General Questions:
How often you read a text from web?
- Very often
- Once in a day
- Rarely
- Never
What you read on the web the most?
- Blogs
- Books and Journals
- Wikipedia
- Others,please specify
If you find something useful, how do you keep track of it?
- Make folder hierarchy
- Use note making app
- Bookmark the webpage
- Never bothered to keep track of it.
Have you ever used a note taking app?
- Yes
- No
- Maybe
What features do you like in a note taking app?
- searching
- checklist
- tags/categories
- colour labels
Which is your favourite note taking app?
- Sticky notes
- Evernote
- Google Keep
- Other, please specify
What technique do you use to note the text in the webpage.
- Underline important terms
- Circle definitions and meanings
- Write key words and definitions in the margin
- Highlight the text.
Do you have any suggestions on improving reading experience on the web.
Specific Questions:
For bloggers:
Do you use pics/images in your blog post, if yes how do you manage them?
- Keep it in a folder
- Search the pic when it is needed
- Use a tool
- Do not use pics in blog
For students and researchers:
Which mode of learning you prefer from web?
- Text
- Video
- Interactive Learning
- Other,please specify
How often you take digital notes for the content you gathered over the web?
- Sometimes
- Never
- Often
- Very often
How do you store the gathered information.
- Writing in a notebook
- Save it in a note taking app
- Save entire document
- Others, please specify
For developers:
If you find a very useful stackoverflow answer or tip online, do you record it
- Yes,I do
- Don't want to record
- No because their is no suitable tool for it
Do you store code snippets you found on the web.
- Yes,I do
- Don't want to store
- No because their is no suitable tool for it
Do you store errors logs for the errors you receive? With the reason and solution.
- Yes,I do
- Don't want to store
- No tool to store it.