sysdig BOSH release
Colocate this release on your BOSH deployed VMs in order to monitor BOSH jobs with sysdig.
Example deployment manifest:
name: sysdig
- name: sysdig
version: latest
- alias: ubuntu
os: ubuntu-trusty
version: latest
- name: sysdig
instances: 1
vm_type: tiny
stemcell: ubuntu
- name: default
- name: libelf-dev-pkg-install
release: sysdig
- name: sysdig
release: sysdig
azs: [default_az]
Sysdig continuously captures everything into rotating files /var/vcap/sys/log/sysdig/sysdig.scap
- Make sysdig able to see BPM containers. For example
csysdig -pc container.type=bpm
should show processes. This will require changes to sysdig (PR) and bpm. - Introduce job spec properties to provide filter. Currently, by capturing everything the scap files get filled up quickly.