Accessibilty Testing for PDF's ie. Tags Listing, Headings, Contents, invalid links and many more. Fixed all the issued PDFs automatically.
Install Adobe Acrobat DC and UiPath.
- Please please update the path containing "FinalSubmission_1.1.xml" in PDFBOT.bat file carefully with '\\' as separators
- Place PDFs to Test in the "~\Parent" folder(should only contains PDF files)
- Make sure the PDFs last time opened in Adobe is closed after closing Tags Panel
- Please DON'T disturb XAML files, as they are sensitive
- Please, Launch the batch file named "PDF_BOT" placed on the desktop, in order to launch the process
------------Results are stored in the text file after successful execution--------
RESULT FILE :- "~\RESULT_FOLDER\"filename.txt" "
FIXED FILE :- "~\FIXED_PDFS\pdffile"