This is a custom built testing library that gracefully checks for assertions without crashing the program. All failed assertions are logged. The images below show the terminal output for passing and failing tests (source code in main/testing-example.c
anshulkamath::testing » ./bin/testing-example
[PASS] example_passing_test
[FAIL] example_failing_test
@ main/testing-example.c:16 -> expect(0 == 1);
@ main/testing-example.c:17 -> expect(0);
@ main/testing-example.c:18 -> expect(40 + 2 != 42);
In the console:
To use this library, you must download the repo and make the library archive files. This can be done using
make libs
This will create a lib/
folder with a .a
files. You can move this .a
file to your project library. Additionally, you must copy the header file testing-logger.h
to your project include directory as well. Finally, you must link to -ltesting-logger
when compiling.