The Stock Trading System is a console-based application designed to facilitate the buying and selling of stocks, allowing users to manage their investment portfolios efficiently. The application will provide users with a predefined set of stocks to trade, ensuring a user-friendly experience while introducing fundamental trading concepts. Users will be able to perform various operations, including buying and selling stocks by specifying stock symbols and quantities. The system will validate each transaction to ensure that users have sufficient balance for purchases and ownership for sales.
The application will feature a portfolio management system that displays the user's current holdings, including stock quantities, average purchase prices, and the remaining balance available for trading. It will employ a simple user interface that guides users through their options, allowing them to view their portfolios and execute trades seamlessly. The core components of the system will include a Stock class representing individual stocks, which will contain attributes such as stock symbol and price, and a Portfolio class that manages user investments and account balance.
The system will be implemented in C++, and users will need a compatible compiler to run the application. The primary target users are individuals who are new to stock trading and want to understand basic trading principles while learning C++. This SRS outlines the functional and non-functional requirements of the Stock Trading System, serving as a foundational document for future development and enhancements.