- Handle multilines blocks (#57)
- Enforce the type checking with
in addition tomypy
- fix the user name anonymization in path definitions when a Jinja template is used instead of a user name
- fix to ensure anonymize_struct() uses the right value_template when it anoymizes a text blocks
- fix the parser when a string is an empty quoted string (
) - refactoring to properly isolate the parsing in
- add ability to customize the secret substitution
- README: minor adjustments and a new "limitations" section
- tests: split up test_anonymizer.py
- pre-commit: only check ansible_anonymizer
- pre-commit: mypy needs types-PyYAML
- pylint: various fixes to get pylint to pass
- pre-commmit: replace reorder_python_imports with ruff
- tests: don't redefine dedent
- cli: don't had an extra n
- parser: remove an uncessary ParserError exception
- handle : or = in password field
- better handling of unquoted password
- extra tests
- test: cover Node.get_secret()
- properly handle series of spaces before password
- add a .gitleaks.toml file
- adjustment to handle aws/credentials
- clean up some debug traces
- hide_secrets: better management of the quotes (#41)
- tox: skip_install=True with mypy
- tox: test using ruff
- pyproject: configure ruff and reformat the code base
- sudo's NOPASSWD is not a password field
- comment: ensure the quotes are also removed (#34)
- is_uuid_string(): do not anonymize UUID strings
- test_anonymizer: add UUID test cases
- is_password_field_name(): ignore the case of the string
- hide_secrets(): protect the final jinja2 expression
- MANIFEST.in: clean up some unused files
- anonymize_field(): don't eat the spaces around the value
- tox: adjust the cmd used to upload the release
- adjust the Github Workflow badge URL
- add the ansible-anonymizer CLI command
- test_anonymizer: orderize the imports
- properly hide a field with just a CC string
- don't capture a series of 10 digits inside a longer series
- hide_secrets: fieldname should not be multline or a series of words
- cc: don't match a pattern that is within a bigger series of numbers