SDK for Go language offers a library for interacting with Grafana server from Go applications. It realizes many of HTTP REST API calls for administration, client, organizations. Beside of them it allows creating of Grafana objects (dashboards, panels, datasources) locally and manipulating them for constructing dashboards programmatically. It would be helpful for massive operations on a large set of dashboards for example.
It was made foremost for autograf project but later separated from it and moved to this new repository because the library is useful per se.
Grafana operates with Javascript objects on client side so on first view Go language looks alien thing here. And Grafana has GUI with detailed options for panel customization so in many cases you don't need additional automatization. But in situations when you operates on hundreds of dashboards programming generation of them become not bad idea. And SDK that allow you import/export, create, modify and validate Grafana structures is very helpful. Golang is good enough choice for operations with JSON though it may be subject of discuss. Positives of this choice is strong typization in Go that help validate objects alongside with high speed of execution and nice concurrency patterns. Negative aspect the same: the strong typization that add more verbosity to JSON parsing in comparing with Javascript or for an example with scripting languages like Python. But with SDK you already have ready for use structures and methods so generation of JSONs become simple. Anyway Grafana server made in Golang that prove concept for applicability of Go for that kind of tasks.
And of course if you write applications in Golang and integrate them with Grafana then client SDK for Go will be uniquely useful.
- SDK offers client functionality so it covers Grafana REST API with its requests and responses as close as possible.
- SDK maps Grafana objects (dashboard, row, panel, datasource) to similar Go structures but not follows exactly all Grafana abstractions.
- It doesn't use logging, instead API functions can return errors where it need.
- No external deps except Go stdlib. Another exception is URL slugify, SDK uses external lib "slug" for algorithm compatibility — that is the same package that Grafana server uses.
board := sdk.NewBoard("Sample dashboard title")
board.ID = 1
row1 := board.AddRow("Sample row title")
row1.Add(sdk.NewGraph("Sample graph"))
graph := sdk.NewGraph("Sample graph 2")
target := sdk.Target{
RefID: "A",
Datasource: "Sample Source 1",
Expr: "sample request 1"}
c := sdk.NewClient("", "grafana-api-key", sdk.DefaultHTTPClient)
if err = c.SetDashboard(board, false); err != nil {
fmt.Printf("error on uploading dashboard %s", board.Title)
The library includes several demo apps for showing API usage:
- backup-dashboards — saves all your dashboards as JSON-files.
- backup-datasources — saves all your datasources as JSON-files.
- import-datasources — imports datasources from JSON-files.
- import-dashboards — imports dashboards from JSON-files.
You need Grafana API key with admin rights for using these utilities.
Of course Go development environment should be set up first. Then:
go get
Dependency packages have included into distro. govendor utility used for vendoring. The single dependency now is:
go get
The "slugify" for URLs is a simple task but this package used in Grafana server so it used in the SDK for the compatibility reasons.
Made mostly for Grafana 3.x, works with Grafana 4.x but need more tests. Full support for Grafana 4.x is on the way.
Work on full API implementation still in progress. Currently implemented only create/update/delete operations for dashboards and datasources. State of support for misc API parts noted below.
API | Status |
Authorization | only API tokens |
Dashboards | partially |
Datasources | + |
Organization (current) | partially |
Organizations | - |
Users | partially |
User (actual) | partially |
Snapshots | - |
Frontend settings | - |
Admin | - |
Realize data structures used in a default Grafana installation for data visualizing (dashboards, datasources, panels, variables, annotations).[PROGRESS]
Support all functions of Grafana REST API for manipulating dashboards and datasources.- Support functions of Grafana REST API for manipulating users and organizations.
- — official golang client of Grafana project. Currently in realizes parts of the REST API.
- — API to manage Grafana 2.0 datasources and dashboards. It lacks features from 2.5 and later Grafana versions.
- — just saves dashboards localy.
- — send slack mentions to Grafana annotations.
- — backup/restore/track dashboards with git.