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253 lines (174 loc) · 8.81 KB

misc dumps

This file mostly has emacs and general shortcuts, django tips and other fun stuff

1. when developing the new crm module: The same url online and locally: online - local - crm - local - crm2 - (edited)

2. Use login_required decorator with class based views ` class NewGuideView(CreateView):

model = Guide form_class = NewGuideForm template_name = “guides/guide_new.html” success_url = “/” # Just to keep things simple, redirect to root.

@method_decorator(login_required) def dispatch(self, *args, **kwargs): return super(NewGuideView, self).dispatch(*args, **kwargs) `

3.resources for django class views django class resource -

4. In django, when using the class based views, ALL the important things are stored in `self`. To quote the docs:

> The key part to making this work is that when class-based views are called, various useful things are stored on self; as well as the request (self.request) this includes the positional (self.args) and name-based (self.kwargs) arguments captured according to the URLconf.

What you have to do is, find the suitable method (eg, `get_context_data`) and then use the `self`

  1. In django, when using class based views, any arguments passed to the class are stored in `self.kwargs`, or `self.args` accordingly.
  2. array keys to move around

to intercept any requests, enter the intercept mode with `i`, filter (to intercept all of them, use `.*`) to accept a request, use `a`, to accept all of the pending requests, use `A` to view the request in detail, use `ret`, `e` to edit it, `a` to allow it now from anywhere, `esc` or `q` to exit `d` to delete the request

In already sent requests, use `ret` to view the request, `e` to edit it, `q` to stop editing and issue the request, `tab` to view the response or detail etc

  1. when you are opening a project for the first time, and you use helm to search for the file, using `c-h h f`, use `c-o` to cycle between the buffer categories - recent, open, current dir…
  1. indent or unindent a selected region of code using `c-c >` or `c-c <`
  2. to select a logical expression unit - eg, brackets, inverted commas etc - `c-m-spc`. after going to the first bracket, inverted comma etc (edited)
  3. when on a line, to move it to the next line, and insert a new line above the present one, do `c-m`
  4. when pushing to heroku, i wanted to push `3-heroku` branch and not my master(which is the default), so I did: `git push heroku 3-heroku master` (syntax - `git push remote local_branch_name remote_branch_name`)
  5. destroy heroku commands with `(molly) molly 3-heroku-> heroku apps:delete -a <app name>`
  6. select all in emacs - `c-x h`
  7. in django, App is foreign key to Following. From following to app - `following,objects.get(app=appid)`

from app to following - `App.following_set.filter()` (edited)

  1. when you have a lot of windows open, use `shift-arrow keys` to navigate instead of `c-x o`
  2. when you have two buffers that you want to go back and forth between, without opening them in a separate frame, use `c-x b ret`, the last opened entry is at the top
  3. start irene
  4. . .nodeenv/irene/bin/activate

then, start irene using ember serve from Projects/appknox/irene

  1. to auto indent selected region of code, c-m-\
  2. to create a new py3 virtual env,

go to ~/ENV, do pyvenv scrapy then, . scrapy/bin/activate done also, for nodejs virtualenv, replace pyvenv with nodeenv, rest is the same

  1. when in emacs, do c-x ` to go to errors in the file below the point. so, when writing pep8 code for scrapy, use this to go to the next error
  2. in emacs, to save the current buffer without the prompt, use c-x c-s using c-x s will prompt
  3. say you have user, not you want to go from user to the apps he is following

the relation is this: Following has a foreign key relation to User do this, User.objects.get(name=”darshan”).following_set.all() for going from users to project: User.objects.get(username=”darshanime”).owned_projects.all() (because project has this line: owner = ForeignKey(User, related_name=’owned_projects’)

  1. to open a new terminal window, ctrl-alt-t

to open a new terminal tab in the same window ctrl-shft-t

  1. to clear the screen on the terminal ctrl-l
  2. when typing a command, do ctrl-r for reverse interactive search
  3. this ones a biggie. to go to the next occurance of the text at point,

do, m-n or m-p as required. so, say you are looking at a function, to see where it is called and its defination etc, do this - m-p or m-n

  1. to move a line or region anywhichway, do this:

c-c arrow key

  1. when saving a file, if you want to view a diff of what changed, you can do c-x s

when prompted, say s to save, d to show the diff

  1. installed direx, now, whenever you clone a new project or just want to explore its directory, do c-x c-j

this will show the tree in an interactive manner

  1. to go to a function in the present file, do c-c c-j
  2. to go to any url in html for eg, do c-c ret
  3. sshing dumps

ssh into droplet: ssh -i do.key root@

login as postgres user: sudo -i -u postgres OR sudo su - radar

start postgres terminal: psql quit with \q

you are logging into the postgres server using the account named postgres set its password by loggin in using sudo -u postgres psql postgres //this logs in the server, and accesses the postgres database then: \password postgres //this sets the password for the postgres database enter it twice and you are done

so, i deleted the existing mycroft database using drop database mycroft then, i created a new database again using: sudo -i -u postgres createdb -h localhost -p 5432 -U postgres mycroft port user name of the database who owns the database enter the password for the postgres user and done. logout to go back

copy a postgres database into another server:

pg_dump the_db_name > the_backup.sql

Then copy the backup to your development server, restore with:

psql the_new_dev_db < the_backup.sql

open the postgres terminal by connecting to a certain database: psql -d database_name eg: psql -d django

if you are root(postgres), you can connect to it else, you’ll need passwords etc

create user in postgres createuser –interactive

\list or \l: list all databases \dt: list all tables in the current database

You will never see tables in other databases, these tables aren’t visible. You have to connect to the correct database to see its tables (and other objects).

To switch databases:

\connect database_name

See the manual about psql.

Download 720p videos on youtube-dl youtube-dl -f ‘[height <=? 720]’

copy some contents using xclip

cat filename | xclip -sel clip cat filename | xclip -selection clipboard This makes xclip use the selection clipboard for selection, if you omit that, it copies to another clipboard and to paste from there, use middle mouse button

create a python3 virtual env using pyvenv <name> and then <name>/bin/activate

Also, install packages using pip3 install django –no-cache-dir etc

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ deploying to heroku

we can deploy to heroku by being in the git project and then, doing heroku create this will add a remote to the heroku end point so, now you can do git push heroku master

the tutorial is comprehensive, follow that! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

deploying molly _______________

to create the new user, i did this: sudo -u radar psql postgres \du (shows the list of users)

postgres=# drop user molly; ERROR: role “molly” cannot be dropped because some objects depend on it DETAIL: owner of database test_molly owner of database molly postgres=# drop database molly; DROP DATABASE postgres=# drop user molly; ERROR: role “molly” cannot be dropped because some objects depend on it DETAIL: owner of database test_molly postgres=# drop database test_molly; DROP DATABASE postgres=# drop user molly; DROP ROLE

and then ran this: echo “molly” createuser -P molly

now, to migrate, django looks at the and the database credentials to log into the postgres server. so, we have to have that there use env vars:

DATABASES = { ‘default’: { ‘ENGINE’: _env( ‘DATABASE_ENGINE’, ‘django.db.backends.postgresql_psycopg2’), ‘NAME’: _env(‘DATABASE_NAME’, ‘mycroft’), ‘USER’: _env(‘DATABASE_USER’, ‘mycroft’), ‘PASSWORD’: _env(‘DATABASE_PASSWORD’, ‘mycroft’), ‘HOST’: _env(‘DATABASE_HOST’, ‘’), ‘PORT’: _env(‘DATABASE_PORT’, 5432), } }