We have decided to propose a slot machine “game” for our team project. We as a team feel that the game would be incorporate three wheels that have five distinct symbols in each. To win, three of the same symbols must line up either horizontally or diagonally. Each symbol would have different weightings of showing up, which in turn varies the potential payout. It would utilize user input by allowing for the player to choose how much currency they would like to put as well as when they would like to stop the wheel from spinning. They also have the ability to pay an additional fee to lock one of the wheels and spin again should they see a favourable outcome. To differentiate the wheel, we will implement how each wheel spins at a different speed as well as add wildcard symbols at random that would give additional payouts. The game would end when the player runs out of currency to spend.
#source for global varible information https://stackoverflow.com/questions/4646577/global-variables-in-java #referenced on May 24th, 2017
#source for scanner help: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/23450524/java-scanner-doesnt-wait-for-user-input #referenced on May 24, 2017
#source for if statement help: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/14267220/java-string-for-loop-not-reading-if-statement #referenced on May 24, 2017
#Source for photos : http://www.freepik.com/free-vector/set-of-slot-machine-icons_756468.htm #referenced on June 14, 2017
#source for image on button help: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/8168371/java-imageicon-icon-and-jlabel-is-not-working #referenced on June 14, 2017