Particle system in GPU with multitexture
This Openframeworks addon allows to create a partice system managed entirely in the GPU It is forked from the work done by Neil Mendoza at
Example video:
- Different parameters for each particle individually: size, color, texture, etc.
- Velocity can affect the size / width / color of particles by parameter
- It is possible to use multitexture for the particles, so, each particle can have its own texture
- Possibility to restrict how long a particle can go from its starting point
- The particles can be drawn as shapes coming from the starting point
- The color of the particles can be set up by an static / dynamic image
- Optical Flow (GPU). By using ofxMioFlowGLSL (
Coming soon:
- Vector Field
- Emitters
- ofxGui
- ofxMioFlowGLSL ( Coming soon for the optical flow in the GPU.
Developed with OF 0.8.4 and windows 7 64 bits. Exaple includes project for Visual Studio 2012