Opinionated Fullstack React toolkits featuring project generation, dev server, build production bundle, and common devtools.
Inspired by react-scripts
from create-react-app
If you just start learning React, please try create-react-app
Why not create-react-app?
- You want to house your own toolkit for your startup/company, with lots of opinionated customization
- You want full control of your build configuration, but in a manner of reusable toolkits (e.g. react-scripts, kcd-scripts)
- Node >= 8.10.0
- SSR (Server-side rendering)
- Universal Code-splitting (lazy + eager)
- Full HMR (Hot module reload)
- Data prefetching
- DLL ready for faster rebuild
- PWA ready
React | Redux | React Helmet Async | Express |
loadable-component | SASS | Babel | Jest |
The project consists of following packages:
They're managed by Lerna so you don't need to do stuff manually (linking, releasing, etc) :D
npx react-kits init myapp
# First, clone the repo
# then install
# Bootstrap packages
yarn bootstrap
# Ready to develop locally!
npm run release
# This will run `build` script for each package before release