The objective of movie database is to help users find basic viewing information about movies such as casting, ratings, directors etc.
Besides displaying the ratings from popular websites such as IMDB, The Movie database allows user to provide feedback.
• Actor
• Director
• Genre
• Movie_Cast
• Movie
• Movie_direction
• Movie_genre
• Ratings
• Reviewer
Q1: Write a SQL query to find the name and year of the movies. Return movie title, movie release year.
Q2: Write a SQL query to find when the movie 'American Beauty' released. Return movie release year.
03: Write a SQL query to find the movie that was released in 1999. Return movie title.
04: Write a SQL query to find those movies, which were released before 1998. Return movie title.
Q5: Write a SQL query to find the name of all reviewers and movies together in a single list.
Q6: Write a SQL query to find all reviewers who have rated seven or more stars to their rating. Return reviewer name.
Q7: Write a SQL query to find the movies without any rating. Return movie title.
08: Write a SQL query to find the movies with ID 905 or 907 or 917. Return movie title.
09: Write a SQL query to find the movie titles that contain the word 'Boogie Nights'. Sort the result-set in ascending order by movie year. Return movie ID, movie title and movie release year.
Q10: Write a SQL query to find those actors with the first name 'Woody' and the last name 'Allen'. Return actor ID.