diff --git a/ci/auto-generate-readme.sh b/ci/auto-generate-readme.sh
index 4a23fbe5e..b4e395ab4 100755
--- a/ci/auto-generate-readme.sh
+++ b/ci/auto-generate-readme.sh
@@ -1,45 +1,63 @@
+set -euo pipefail
echo "Auto-generating README files..."
-# Search for notebook files named README.ipynb in the ../templates directory
-notebook_files=$(find ../templates -name "README.ipynb")
+REPO_ROOT="$(git rev-parse --show-toplevel)"
+if [[ "$(pwd)" != "${REPO_ROOT}" ]]; then
+ echo "Must run this script at repo's root directory".
+ exit 1
-# Loop through each notebook file
-for notebook_file in $notebook_files; do
- # Exclude specific notebooks from conversion
- if [ "$notebook_file" != "../templates/templates/getting-started/README.ipynb" ] && [ "$notebook_file" != "../templates/templates/e2e-llm-workflows/README.ipynb" ] && ! grep -q "Time to complete" $notebook_file; then
- echo "**********"
- echo "LINT ERROR: $notebook_file must include 'Time to complete' statement, failing."
- echo "**********"
- exit 1
- fi
- if [ "$notebook_file" != "../templates/templates/e2e-llm-workflows/README.ipynb" ]; then
- # Convert notebook file to README.md using nbconvert
- jupyter nbconvert --to markdown "$notebook_file" --output-dir "$(dirname "$notebook_file")"
- else
- echo "Skipping README generation for $notebook_file"
- fi
+# Search for notebook files named README.ipynb in the ../templates directory
+TEMPLATES_DIRS=($(find "templates" -mindepth 1 -maxdepth 1 -type d))
# Define the repo prefix
-# Search for README.md in the ../templates directory
-readme_files=$(find ../templates -name "README.md")
-# Loop through each readme files
-for readme_file in $readme_files; do
- # Extract the path of the directory containing the README file, relative to the repository root
- readme_dir=$(dirname "$readme_file" | sed "s|\.\./templates/||")
- # Check the operating system
- if [[ "$OSTYPE" == "darwin"* ]]; then
- # macOS system
- sed -i '' "s||g" "$readme_file"
- else
- # Assuming Linux
- sed -i "s||g" "$readme_file"
+# Loop through each notebook file
+for TMPL in "${TEMPLATES_DIRS[@]}"; do
+ echo "===== Processing ${TMPL}"
+ if [[ ! -f "${TMPL}/README.ipynb" ]]; then
+ echo "README.ipynb file not found; skipping notebook conversion and checking."
+ else
+ # Exclude specific notebooks from conversion
+ TMPL_NAME="$(basename "${TMPL}")"
+ if [[ "${TMPL_NAME}" == "getting-started" || "${TMPL_NAME}" == "e2e-llm-workflows" || "${TMPL_NAME}" == "ray-summit-multi-modal-search" ]]; then
+ echo "Skip 'Time to complete' checking for ${TMPL_NAME}"
+ elif ! grep -q "Time to complete" "${NOTEBOOK_FILE}" ; then
+ echo "**********"
+ echo "LINT ERROR: ${NOTEBOOK_FILE} must include 'Time to complete' statement, failing."
+ echo "**********"
+ exit 1
+ fi
+ if [[ "${TMPL_NAME}" != "e2e-llm-workflows" ]]; then
+ # Convert notebook file to README.md using nbconvert
+ jupyter nbconvert --to markdown "${NOTEBOOK_FILE}" --output-dir "${TMPL}"
+ else
+ echo "Skipping README generation for ${NOTEBOOK_FILE}"
+ fi
+ fi
+ # Post-processing on README markdown files
+ if [[ ! -f "${TMPL}/README.md" ]]; then
+ echo "README.md file not found; skipping markdown processing."
+ else
+ # Check the operating system
+ if [[ "$OSTYPE" == "darwin"* ]]; then
+ # macOS system
+ sed -i '' "s||g" "$README_FILE"
+ else
+ # Assuming Linux
+ sed -i "s||g" "$README_FILE"
+ fi