A global optimization algorithm for the ACOPF problem
The ACOPF instances are taken from the library PGLib (https://github.com/power-grid-lib/pglib-opf), which is maintained by the IEEE PES Task Force on Benchmarks for Validation of Emerging Power System Algorithms.
dualACOPFsolver is implemented in Python3. To run this code, you have to clone this repository. The required packages are:
- numpy
- scipy
- pandas
- docplex (with CPLEX license)
- mosek (with MOSEK license)
- chompack
- cvxopt
- progress
You also have to replace the empty pglib-opf folder by a clone of https://github.com/power-grid-lib/pglib-opf, so as to have the test instances.
python3 main_typ.py
python3 main_api.py
will run the numerical experiments presented in the paper "A. Oustry, AC Optimal Power Flow: a Conic Programming relaxation and an iterative MILP scheme for Global Optimization, Open Journal of Mathematical Optimization, 2022".
Researchers affiliated with
(o) LIX CNRS, École polytechnique, Institut Polytechnique de Paris, 91128, Palaiseau, France
(o) École des Ponts, 77455 Marne-La-Vallée
Sponsored by Réseau de transport d’électricité, 92073 La Défense, France