This is an extension to dtzar/helm-kubectl
awscli and iam-authenticator to ease interaction with ECR
reducing the amount of boilerplate scripts.
- Helm 3.7.1
- Kubectl 1.22.2
- AWS CLI 1.22.21
- IAM authenticator 1.21.2
If you don't need AWS cli because you use another k8s provider, this is actually a bloated image, you could use directly dtzar's project raw, or build your own extension.
This is even the recommended approach by David Tesar, author of the very helpful base image, because not everyone requires some tools.
Check the How to comparison next if you are not sure:
- step: build-and-push
name: Build and Push to ECR
# Don't use eval aws ecr get-login < is deprecated
- ECR_PASSWORD=$(aws ecr get-login-password)
- docker login -u AWS -p "${ECR_PASSWORD}" "https://${AWS_ID}.dkr.ecr.${AWS_REGION}"
- docker build -t your-service:tag-release
- docker push your-service:tag-release
- step: build-and-push
name: Build and Push to ECR
image: dtzar/helm-kubectl
- apk add python py3-pi
- pip3 install awscli
- aws configure set aws_access_key_id "${AWS_CLIENT_ID}"
- aws configure set aws_access_secret_key "${AWS_CLIENT_SECRET}"
- mkdir $HOME/bin
- curl -o $HOME/bin/aws-iam-authenticator
- chmod +x $HOME/bin/aws-iam-authenticator
- export PATH=$PATH:$HOME/bin
# all of this before is what we try to avoid repeat on every run
# Don't use eval aws ecr get-login < is deprecated
- ECR_PASSWORD=$(aws ecr get-login-password)
- docker login -u AWS -p "${ECR_PASSWORD}" "https://${AWS_ID}.dkr.ecr.${AWS_REGION}"
- docker build -t your-service:tag-release
- docker push your-service:tag-release
Repeating all that instructions is time/energy/water consuming, instead you get the same binaries installed and ready to go (see the Dockerfile).
docker run --rm -it \
--env AWS_REGION=us-east-2 bash -c 'aws ecr get-login-password'
If you want to avoid copy-paste ID and secret or leaking them to your history, you could cut'em from your stored credentials.
AWS_CLIENT_ID=$(grep id ~/.aws/credentials | cut -f3 -d' ')
AWS_CLIENT_SECRET=$(grep secret ~/.aws/credentials | cut -f3 -d' ')
this works if you have only one profile in your credentials
Again, if you don't use AWS ECR, and can't find a precompiled image to help you with your provider, maybe this can be a reference to build and share your own solution.
If you are unsure if this can be helpful or find an issue, don't hesitate on file an issue, and/or share your stackoverflow question. I'll try to help and we can learn from each other.
But please, please, in any case. Don't overspend energy and water unnecessarily. Always that you can reuse a prebuilt solution (or optimize building and sharing your own) and help the children keep the water.