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File metadata and controls

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Execute snapshot and CDC tasks serially without data loss

In most data migration/import scenarios, you may want to migrate snapshot first, then subscribe to source cdc data and synchronize it to target.

This article tells you what to do before starting a snapshot task, and how to configure cdc task_config.ini to avoid data loss.

Source: MySQL

Refer to mysql -> mysql or mysql -> kafka to generate snapshot_task_config.ini & cdc_task_config.ini.

  • Get binlog info of source MySQL before starting snapshot task
mysql -h127.0.0.1 -uroot -p123456 -P3307
show master status;

| File             | Position | Binlog_Do_DB | Binlog_Ignore_DB | Executed_Gtid_Set                         |
| mysql-bin.000003 |     3009 |              |                  | 9663a096-8adc-11ef-b617-0242ac110002:1-17 |
  • Update cdc_task_config.ini
  • Start snapshot task
  • Start cdc task once snapshot task finished, all changes made during snapshot task will be synchronized to target.

Source: Postgres

Refer to pg -> pg or pg -> kafka to generate snapshot_task_config.ini & cdc_task_config.ini.

  • Check if replication slot exists in source Postgres
SELECT * FROM pg_catalog.pg_replication_slots WHERE slot_name = 'ape_test';
  • Drop it if not used by others, or use another slot_name
SELECT pg_drop_replication_slot('ape_test') FROM pg_replication_slots WHERE slot_name = 'ape_test';
  • Create slot and get starting lsn
SELECT * FROM pg_create_logical_replication_slot('ape_test', 'pgoutput');
 slot_name |    lsn    
 ape_test  | 0/3D583B0
  • Check if publication exists
  • By default, the pubname will be "[slot_name]_publication_for_all_tables", if you already have a publication for all tables, for example: my_some_publication, you can reuse it without creating a new one, just configure it in task_config.ini as described later in this article.
SELECT * FROM pg_catalog.pg_publication WHERE pubname = 'ape_dts_publication_for_all_tables';
  • Create publication for all tables
CREATE PUBLICATION ape_dts_publication_for_all_tables FOR ALL TABLES;
  • Update cdc_task_config.ini
  • Start snapshot task
  • Start cdc task once snapshot task finished, all changes made during snapshot task will be synchronized to target.

Source: Mongo

Refer to mongo -> mongo to generate snapshot_task_config.ini & cdc_task_config.ini.

  • Get current timestamp accurate to seconds from source Mongo
docker exec -it src-mongo mongosh --quiet

print(Math.floor( / 1000));
  • Update cdc_task_config.ini
  • This works for both source=change_stream and source=op_log
  • Start snapshot task
  • Start cdc task once snapshot task finished, all changes made during snapshot task will be synchronized to target.