Inspired by the tidyverse
's package ecosystem that work together
cohesively for day-to-day analysis, the bentobox
package is intended to
provide a wide range of data structures and modeling techniques for those
working with built environment data.
The bentobox
contains the following packages
for creating and working with subject - built environment relational data.rsstap
for estimating population level effects of built environment exposure on pertinent health outcomes.bendr
for estimating clusters of spatial distributions between subjects and point pattern built environment features.rstapDP
for estimating heterogeneous - cluster level effects of built environment exposure on pertinent health outcomes.
Currently this package is only available via Github. It is in active development and thus caution is warraranted to anyone interested in using it. In order to install the software use the following lines of R code
install_github("apeterson91/bentobox",dependencies = TRUE)
This work was developed with support from NIH grant R01-HL131610 (PI: Sanchez).