Free starter built on top of Bootstrap and Django with database, authentication, and Docker support. The Argon Dashboard design is crafted by Creative-Tim
using Bootstrap 5 Framework.
The product is designed to deliver the best possible user experience with highly customizable feature-rich pages.
- 👉 Django Argon Dashboard - Complete Documentation
- 👉 Django Argon Dashboard - LIVE Demo
- 👉 Get Support via Email and Discord
Customize with Django App Generator - Argon Design
- Access the App Generator page
- Select Argon Dashboard as the preferred design
- (Optional) Design Database: edit models and fields
- (Optional) Edit the fields for the extended user model
- (Optional) Enable OAuth for GitHub
- (Optional) Add Celery (async tasks)
- (Optional) Enable Dynamic API Module
- Docker Scripts
- Render CI/Cd Scripts
The generated Django project is available as a ZIP Archive and also uploaded to GitHub.
One-click deploy (requires to have already an account).
- Simple, Easy-to-Extend Codebase
- Argon Dashboard Design - Full Integration
- Bootstrap 5 Styling
- Session-based Authentication, Password recovery
- DB Persistence: SQLite (default), can be used with MySql, PgSql
- Docker
- CI/CD integration for Render
The premium version provides more features, priority on support, and is more often updated - Live Demo
- Simple, Easy-to-Extend Codebase
- Argon Dashboard Design
- OAuth - Github
- Extended User Profile
- API via DRF
- Charts via ApexJS
- React Integration (new)
- DataTables
- Celery (async tasks)
- Deployment-Ready for Render
Django Argon Dashboard - Open-Source Django Starter provided by App Generator