GatsbyJs Starter
It's a static starter based on Gatsby and styled with Css-in-JS - live demo
Install the Gatsby CLI.
npm install -g gatsby-cli
Create a Gatsby app.
gatsby new gatsby-starter-cssinjs
Start the site in
mode.Next, move into your new site’s directory and start it up:
cd gatsby-starter-cssinjs/ gatsby develop
Open the source code and start editing!
Your site is now running at
At this point, you’ve got a fully functional Gatsby website. For additional information on how you can customize your Gatsby site, see our plugins and the official tutorial.
- Articles in MDX (gatsby-mdx)
- Code highlighting (with prism-react-renderer) and live preview (with react-live)
- Styled Components 💅
- Netlify Contact Form
- Categories
- Offline Support
- WebApp Manifest Support
- SEO support
- Coded on top of this starter provided by LekoArts
Provided by Sm0ke