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200 lines (151 loc) · 7.26 KB

File metadata and controls

200 lines (151 loc) · 7.26 KB

Nixified dotfiles

Initial setup on NixOS

  1. Setup NixOS using the installer.

  2. Once installed, edit /etc/nixos/configuration.nix and rebuild:

    • Enable sshd
    • Enable flakes: nix.settings.experimental-features = [ "flakes" ];
  3. SSH to the machine.

  4. Clone this repo recursively (need to setup ssh keys, use a nix-shell with git and neovim).

  5. Setup a GitHub personal access token in ~/.config/nix/nix.conf (see doc)

     access-tokens =<YOUR_TOKEN>
  6. Setup home-manager & activate it.

  7. Copy /etc/nixos/*.nix to this repo to compare & adapt.

  8. Rebuild nixos & switch using this flake.

  9. Enable vscode server patcher (see

    1. Enable service: systemctl --user enable --now auto-fix-vscode-server.service (it's safe to ignore warning)
    2. To prevent GC: ln -sfT /run/current-system/etc/systemd/user/auto-fix-vscode-server.service ~/.config/systemd/user/auto-fix-vscode-server.service

Initial setup on MacOS

  1. Download nix installer & run it with multi-user mode enabled: curl -L | sh -s -- --daemon

  2. Enable flakes: mkdir -p ~/.config/nix/ && echo 'experimental-features = nix-command flakes fetch-closure' > ~/.config/nix/nix.conf

  3. Clone this repo recursively.

  4. Setup home-manager & activate it.

  5. Install HomeBrew.

  6. Setup nix-darwin & activate it.

Initial setup on Non-NixOS Linux

  1. Download nix installer & run it with multi-user mode enabled: curl -L | sh -s -- --daemon

  2. Enable flakes: mkdir -p ~/.config/nix/ && echo 'experimental-features = nix-command flakes fetch-closure' > ~/.config/nix/nix.conf

  3. On Linux, configure nix by adding to /etc/nix/nix.conf. No need to do it on Darwin since we already do it nix-darwin (see configuration.nix)

       keep-outputs = true
       keep-derivations = true
       auto-optimise-store = true
       # allow use of cached builds, require fast internet
       builders-use-substitutes = true
       experimental-features = nix-command flakes fetch-closure
  4. Build ./x home build and activate ./x home switch

  5. Activate shell by adding /home/appaquet/.nix-profile/bin/fish to /etc/shells and running chsh -s /home/appaquet/.nix-profile/bin/fish


  1. It seems that when switching to newer fish, the paths weren't properly set. On top of that, it may be shadowed by a global fish path too. Reset fish paths with:

    set -ge fish_user_paths
    set -Ua fish_user_paths /nix/var/nix/profiles/default/bin
    set -Ua fish_user_paths /home/appaquet/.nix-profile/bin
    set -Ua fish_user_paths /home/appaquet/.local/utils/

Cheat sheets


  • Run a uninstalled package: nix run nixpkgs#cowsay hello world
  • Run a uninstalled package, with fuzzy finding: nix run nixpkgs#(fzf-nix), or nr
  • Start a shell with a package: nix shell nixpkgs#ripgrep
  • Start a shell with a package, with fuzzy finding: nix shell nixpkgs#(fzf-nix), or ns


  • Foreign env is used to source ~/.profile. Any local variables can be set there.

  • Paths: fish uses fish_user_paths to define paths and can be persisted when using "universal variables" (set with -U).

    • To add a path: fish_add_path /some/new/path or set -Ua fish_user_paths /some/new/path
    • To list current paths: echo $fish_user_paths | tr " " "\n" | nl
    • To remove a path: set --erase fish_user_paths[NUMBER AS LISTED STARTING AT 1]
  • Shortcuts

    • See for all shortcuts
    • With no input <alt><left> or <alt><right> to jump to previous directory in history
    • With input <alt><left> or <alt><right> to between words
    • With input <ctl>w to delete previous word
    • With input <alt>e or <alt>v to open input in editor (doesn't work on MacOS)
    • <ctl><alt>n: fzf nix packages
    • <ctl><alt>g: fzf ripgrep
    • <ctl><alt>f: fzf fd (find file)
    • <ctl><alt>p: fzf processes
    • <ctl><alt>l: fzf git log
    • <ctl><alt>s: fzf git status



  • General

    • <leader> is configured to \ (backslash)
    • <leader> 1 through 9 to switch between opened buffers
    • <leader>] to switch to next buffer
    • <leader>[ to switch to previous buffer
    • <leader>s to save current buffer
    • <leader>x to save and then execute current buffer (as long as it's chmod +x)
    • <leader>z to execute current visual selection in a shell
    • <leader>r to save current buffer and then execute in working dir
    • <leader>w to close the current buffer by trying not to messup the layout
  • <leader>o to close all buffers except the current one

    • <leader>q to quit vim
    • <leader><tab> to switch between tab and spaces
    • <ctrl>e to toggle file etree
    • <ctrl>p fuzzy finding file
    • <ctrl>l fuzzy finding buffers and history
    • <ctrl>f riggrep search
    • <ctrl>o go back to previous cursor
    • <ctrl>i go forward to next cursor
    • <leader>m to toggle mouse support (useful to allow select + copy)
    • <leader>y to yank to clipboard using bin/pbcopy util
    • <leader>p to paste from clipboard using bin/pbpaste util
  • Code / LSP

    • gD goto declaration
    • gd goto definition
    • gi goto implementation
    • K hover info
    • <space>rn rename symbol
    • <leader>cc comment
    • <leader>cu uncomment
  • Nvim tree

    • In tree
      • g? to show help
      • <ctrl>] to CD into directory
      • - go up one directory
      • <ctrl>v Open in vertical split
      • <ctrl>x Open in horizontal split
      • I Toggle hidden files
      • r Rename file
      • d Delete file
      • a Add file or directory if it ends with /
      • c, x, v to copy, cut, paste files
      • f to find file, F to clear
      • q to close tree
      • E to expand all, W to collapse
    • <ctrl>e to toggle file tree
  • Commands

    • E <file>: open a new buffer for a new file in current buffer's directory
    • Delete: delete current buffer's file


  • Shortcuts

    • See for all shortcuts
    • <ctrl>b e to toggle synchronized panes
    • <ctrl>b m to toggle mouse support (useful to allow select + copy)
    • <ctrl>b <ctrl>l to navigate to next window
    • <ctrl>b <ctrl>h to navigate to prev window
    • <ctrl>b Tab to navigate to last window
    • <ctrl>b <tab> to navigate to last window
    • <ctrl>b <alt><arrows> to resize pane
    • <ctrl>b r to reload config
    • <ctrl>b <enter> to get into copy mode
      • v for selection
      • ctrl-v to switch between between block and line selection
      • y to yank
      • H and L start line / end line
    • <ctrl>b q to show pane ids, then :swap-pane -s X -t Y to swap
  • Plugins (via integrated .tmux.conf's tpm)

    • tmux-resurrect
      • <ctrl>b <ctrl>s to save current layout
      • <ctrl>b <ctrl>r to ressurect last saved layout
