Releases: applejag/NackademinUppgift13-Unity
Shine bright like a selected grid symbol!
The visual for showing where the ship is going to be placed is somewhat difficult and I know it's not that good at this moment, but it's way better than nothing.
I've acquired a cold (yay me), so not much programming can be done in the upcoming days. Therefore this very small update. I just wanted this here.
Changelog based off latest commits from feature/vfx-missiles-and-explosions
- Added selection highlights
Sleek grid reveal animation yao
Changelog based off latest commits from feature/vfx-missiles-and-explosions
- Added grid slow reveal animation, by expanding each line separately.
- Added letter/number reveal animation, by blinking them in.
- Fixed camera sliding lag.
- Fixed board resetting between games.
- Fixed ship rotation resetting correctly before placing ships.
- Changed explosion on missile impact (splash and fireball) to reuse the same particle system, instead of creating a new one.
- This fixes a bug with the particle systems where they were left repeating on the field.
- This improves performance a lot, and removes the occasional lag spike on missile impact.
Missile effects in time for new year
I've never been so excited for a personal creation in a long time! I was jumping in my chair when I got this working. It's just eye candy at this point 🌞
Changelog, based off latest commit from feature/vfx-missiles-and-explosions
- Added sweet effects from the unity effects package (link to Asset Store), including:
- Missile trail
- Water splash
- Ground fog
- Fires
- Explosions
- Added fog of war on the opponents board.
- Added missiles that are shot between the boards. THEY LOOK SO COOL!
- Added camera follow on the fired missiles.
- Added so opponents ships appear when they are sunk.
- Added animations to ships:
- Idle swaying-in-the-water animation.
- Wiggle when damaged.
- Changed opponents ships to be rotated to south+west, as opposed to local players ships that face south+east.
- Fixed hitboxes of some ships (used when placing the ships).
Some screenshots of the coolnessess:
Actually playable
Wow it works!
This release, compared to the last one, mostly just adds a fire button. Beem bop bam damn. And we got a game!
Also added some grid visualizers so you know which coordinates are shot at :)
Full changelog list thing (based off #3):
- Water expands when its gametime (looks woop).
- It slides over to the enemy board when game starts too! I think it's neat.
- Pick a fight with your own taste. Or, pick a coordinate to shoot at. Your world.
- Fire does the shoot shoot, but thats only over the net.
- Gives an ugly af red square when something is hit though (your grid too!)
Thank you come again
Connect menu (Now with 100% more disconnect!)
Yea it's still not playable.
But this is the release version as of last commit from feature/connect-menus
The changelog looks something like this:
- Bugfixes on some cancel operations. Swat that one
- Join got a timeout. Cool things.
- You get notified when disconnected now. It's like an actual online game now.
- Gamephase got its very own menu. wow you should see the look on its face. So jolly :) it only displays turn atm but it'll get there! You'll see!
- Stability changes. Foundations exchanged from mud to dirt. Not optimal, but better.
Game doesnt even work yet
This release is a solid feature-creeped proof of concept of implementing the Tcp solution from the sister repository jilleJr/NackademinUppgift13-Protocol into Unity.
And it works rather mighty well. I'm actually surprised.
This NON-PLAYABLE feature includes:
- Placing ships where they should be, according to the player
- Choosing a non-offensive nickname (end-user based validation)
- Full connecting cycle through the handshake and into game phase. Then you're stuck though. Sucks to be you
- Graphics. Mostly visual ones. Like ships. And water. OH and there's a red grid too!