This is the main source repository for the incremental points-to analysis, developed by Automated Software Engineering Research (ASER) Group at Texas A&M University. Currently, we support context/flow-insensitive and field-sensitive points-to analysis. The source code is in edu.tamu.wala.increpta
, and the tests are in edu.tamu.wala.increpta.tests
- Java >= 1.8
- Eclipse >= Mars 4.5.2
- Apache Maven >= 3.3.9
git clone
the core projects of WALA ( clone
- With Maven:
cd path-to-the-clone-folder
mvn clean install -DskipTests=true
- With Eclipse: Import the projects in this repo to a new Eclipse workspace; Follow the instructions on the "UserGuide: Getting Started": to set up WALA.
All the JUnit tests are examples, which the core part is at edu.tamu.wala.increpta.tests/src/edu/tamu/wala/increpta/tests/basic/IPAAbstractPtrTest
Firstly, we run the points-to analysis for the whole target program, which has the same code structure as provided by WALA points-to analysis framework.
includes all the packages excluded from the analysis, and Scope_File
indicates the target program.
Secondly, for each IR statement addition/deletion, we perform the incremental analysis as indicated in testChange
of edu.tamu.wala.increpta/src/edu/tamu/wala/increpta/ipa/callgraph/propagation/IPAPropagationCallGraphBuilder
Finally, users can query the updated points-to sets by getPointsToSet()
The JUnit test file is in edu.tamu.wala.increpta.tests.basic
The test cases includeds all the test cases in
, as well as large benchmarks, e.g., h2
, sunflow
in Dacapo.
You can checkout the projects in the master branch, and import them into Eclipse. Locate the JUnit test (edu.tamu.wala.increpta.tests
) and run as JUnit test.
You can also run maven script to build the project by mvn clean install
, or mvn clean install -DskipTests
to skip the tests.
For each test case, we initially compute the whole program points-to analysis, record the points-to set for each variable in a map. Then, we start to check the correctness of the incremental pointer analysis:
- Delete an SSAInstruction, compute the affected points-to sets;
- Add back the SSAInstruction, compute the affected points-to sets and record the changed variables
- For each changed variable, we compare the points-to sets between the one stored in the map and the one after (2). If they are the same, it means we correctly updated the points-to graph. Otherwise, it violates the assertion.
The incremental points-to analysis can be embarassingly paralleled to improve the performance. For the parallel version, please change edu.tamu.wala.increpta.ipa.callgraph.propagation.IPAPropagationSystem.nrOfWorkers
, which indicates the number of threads to perform parallel works.
The main repositry for WALA is For more details on WALA, see the WALA home page and WALA Javadoc.
Note: historically, WALA has used Maven as its build system. However, this WALA branch can also use Gradle as an alternative to Maven. See the Gradle-specific README for more instructions and helpful tips.