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Releases: aramis-lab/clinica

Version 0.3.2

31 Jan 08:41
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Clinica Core:

  • [Enh] Harmonize how working directory is handled in Clinica.
  • [New] For any pipeline, delete automatically working directory if not specified in the CLI.
  • [Fix] Catch case when no image is given to a pipeline (e.g. because they were already processed in CAPS directory).
  • [Enh] Harmonize use of pipeline parameters and how they are handled.


  • [Change] Pipeline classes associated to t1-volume and t1-volume-existing-template command lines are removed. They are simply replaced by successive calls of t1-volume* sub-pipelines.
  • [New] For t1-freesurfer, display failed images when an error occurs during the execution of the pipeline.
  • [New] For t1-freesurfer, add --overwrite-outputs flag. When used, images already run in CAPS directory will rewritten. Otherwise, they will be skipped before the execution of the pipeline.
  • [Fix] Remove mentions of modulation in t1-volume-parcellation arguments (modulated images are always chosen).
  • [Fix] Remove --smooth flag in t1-volume-tissue-segmentation (should not exist).
  • [Enh] (All pipelines) Remove discrepancy between CLI flag and pipeline parameter.

Version 0.3.1

19 Nov 17:10
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Clinica Core:

  • [Fix] Remove the double equal from conda environment file, to be compatible with conda > 4.7
  • [New] Add clinica_file_reader / clinica_group_reader functions to read input files for Clinica
  • [New] Add to centralize output message for each pipeline (currently used in t1-freesurfer pipeline)
  • [Enh] Improve verifications in check_bids_folder / check_caps_folder
  • [Enh] Improve how Clinica handles SPM/SPM-Standalone on Mac/Linux and how Clinica extracts TPM file.
  • [Enh] Replace duplicated code by calls of check_spm, check_cat12 and check_environment function
  • [Enh] Remove obsolete functions


  • [Fix] Check volume locations in t1-freesurfer and t1-volume pipelines
    • For t1-freesurfer, this check is useful if the user plans to use pet-surface afterwards.
    • For t1-volume, this check is important since SPM Segment() expects centers of T1w images to be closed to 0.
  • [Fix] Check relative volume locations in pet-surface and pet-volume pipelines. In these pipelines, SPM Coregister() method is used to register T1w and PET images. However, if the centers of these images are far from each other, this registration may fail
  • [Enh] Rewrite build_input_node method for all pipelines
  • [Enh] Harmonize exception handling when missing or duplicated BIDS/CAPS files are present for all pipelines
  • [Enh] Change how to find NaN values in images
  • [Fix] t1-freesurfer: Fix the sending of argument for -raa/--recon_all_args flag


  • [New] Add center-nifti IOTool to center NIfTI files of a BIDS directory. This tool is mainly used when SPM is not able to segment some T1w images because the centers of these volumes are not aligned with the origin of the world coordinate system. By default, only problematic images are converted. The rest of the images are also copied to the new BIDS directory, but left untouched.

Version 0.3.0

18 Sep 10:15
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Clinica Core:

  • [Improvement] General improvements include better error handling/message when executing Clinica (missing dependency, BIDS/CAPS handling, typos, warning messages).
  • [Fix] After fixing "Assuming non interactive session since isatty found missing" for Clinica 0.2.2, Clinica became too verbose when running a pipeline (Issue #7). An alternative bugfix was used.
  • [New] Add timeout when asking if pipeline starts even though disks are full
  • [New] Add timeout when asking user for n_procs
  • [New] Detect if extra flags are given and if -v is used after clinica {run|iotools|convert}
  • [New] Add warning message if PYTHONPATH is not empty (should avoid this situation)


  • [New] dwi-connectome pipeline: Construction of structural connectome with computation of fiber orientation distributions, tractogram and connectome. More info on the Wiki:
  • [Change] t1-freesurfer pipeline was rewritten. It includes a complete refactoring and:
    • The pipeline is now executed in the working directory and outputs without errors from FreeSurfer or Nipype are now copied from the working directory to the CAPS folder;
    • the symbolic links (e.g. fsaverage) are not present in the CAPS folder anymore;
    • If Clinica fails on some images, it detects & displays the subjects who failed.
  • [Change] The TSV files generated by the t1-freesurfer* pipelines are now ordered in two columns (name, value)- [Fix] Fix parallelization in t1-volume-tissue-segmentation and t1-volume-existing-template pipelines: if SPM failed on an image, Clinica did not manage to save successful results of other images in CAPS directory
  • [Fix] Remove atlas statistics generation in t1-volume-dartel2mni pipeline
  • [Fix] Check the presence of CAT12 in volume pipelines. Otherwise, the pipeline failed when trying to generate statistics for atlases part of the CAT12 toolbox.
  • [Fix] Include Matlab files from ‘pipelines’ folder when using the user installation (i.e. without pip -e .). Otherwise, pet-volume pipeline failed.
  • [Fix] Sort diagnosis list to avoid mixing labels when testing for ML modules.
  • [Update] Edit path to search Tissue Probability Map in SPM standalone.
  • [Update] Remove several obsolete functions and workflows.


  • [Update] The adni-2-bids converter now includes ADNI3 and new modalities (fMRI, PET data)
  • [New] nifd-2-bids converter: You can now convert the NIFD dataset ( into BIDS. More info on the Wiki:
  • [Fix] Fix age in sessions.tsv file for adni-2-bids (the age was the same across sessions)
  • [New] Compute age from date of birth and date of exam for aibl-2-bids
  • [Improvement] Deduce missing examination dates in aibl-2-bids
  • [Fix] Remove duplicates in oasis-2-bids converter


  • [Fix] Fix missing modalities bug where FLAIR and T1w could be miscounted
  • [Improvement] Improve error message for iotools commands (e.g. when `-tsv is not a file, when BIDS parameter is not a folder)

Version 0.2.2

06 Jun 15:20
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  • [CI] Continuous integration updated with Jenkins following GitHub migration
  • [Update] adni-to-bids converter improvements: multiprocessing, less crashes, better display
  • [Update] Test folder for CI is reorganized
  • [Fix] pet-volume: tsv needed for partial volume correction can now be used
  • [Fix] Bug where SPM Standalone could not be used in pipelines is now fixed
  • [Fix] Bug in aibl-to-bids converter that could cause Clinica to crash is now fixed
  • [Fix] In t1-volume-existing-template, a better check is carried out on the group name
  • [Fix] The message "Assuming non interactive session since isatty found missing" has disappeared
  • [New] Clinica now handles cross sectional dataset by automatically proposing the user to convert it into a longitudinal dataset
  • [New] Implementation of a new multiclassification algorithm
  • [New] Improvement of information on crash display
  • [New] No Warning messages are displayed
  • [New] Python dependencies are now freezed to ensure non regression

Version 0.2.1

21 May 17:05
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  • [Fix] Fix bug in the aibl-to-bids converter.
  • [Improvement] Improvement of the converter oasis-to-bids
  • [Fix] Include duecredit as dependency.

Version 0.2.0

21 May 16:56
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Clinica Core:

  • [Update] Clinica is now using Python 3.6.0 & Nipype 1.1.2.
  • [New] A CI framework is set up for Clinica.
  • [Improvement] General improvements include better error handling/message when executing Clinica.
  • [New] Clinica checks if there is sufficient space before running a pipeline.
  • [New] Clinica ensures that multithreading is used before running a pipeline, and warns the user otherwise.
  • [Fix] Relative path in command line now works properly.
  • [New] The Clinica project is now PEP8 compliant.


  • [New] machinelearning-prepare-spatial-svm pipeline: Prepare input data for spatially regularized SVM [Cuingnet et al, 2013]. More info on the Wiki:
  • [New] fmri-preprocessing pipeline: fMRI pre-processing with slice timing and motion correction, brain extraction and spatial normalization. More info on the Wiki:
  • [Change] The dwi-processing-noddi (and its prerequisites dwi-preprocessing-multi-shell) is removed from the Clinica software as we will not actively maintain it. It is now on a separate repository:
  • [Fix] t1-freesurfer now handles FreeSurfer 6.0.0.
  • [Change] New pipeline names :
    • t1-freesurfer-cross-sectional becomes t1-freesurfer;
    • t1-spm-* pipelines become t1-volume-*. In particular, t1-spm-full-prep is now t1-volume and t1-volume-existing-dartel is now t1-volume-existing-template;
    • dwi-preprocessing-using-phasediff-fieldmap is now dwi-preprocessing-using-fieldmap;
    • dwi-processing-dti pipeline becomes dwi-dti;
    • pet-preprocessing-volume pipeline becomes pet-volume.


[New] The ADNI-2-BIDS converter now includes the diffusion MRI and FLAIR sequences.


[Fix] Fix merge-tsv command line when no path was given to the TSV file.
[New] The merge-tsv can now parse TSV files from CAPS. Currently, it only supports the t1-volume and pet-volume pipelines.

Version 0.2.0 Beta 3 (pre-release)

21 May 17:02
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  • Pre-release version (0.2.0 Beta 3).
  • Full changes description with the final release.

Version 0.2.0 Beta 2 (pre-release)

21 May 17:02
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  • Pre-release version (0.2.0 Beta 2).
  • Full changes description with the final release.

Version 0.1.3

21 May 17:01
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  • Unit testing in macOS

Version 0.1.2

21 May 17:01
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  • CI running on macOS and Linux

  • Tarball file available to download