"The COVID Tracking Project collects realtime data for India. It displays statewise and districtwise cases". This app uses two API's which updates everyday. The data are loaded dynamically from the api.
clone the repo and install requirements by
pip install -r requirements.txt
Run the app by
streamlit run app.py
note down the ip address and port its running on and open it in the browser.
- Clone the repo and deploy it to heroku via heroku CLI. (OR)
- commit the repo to your git account, create an app in heroku and use deploy option to sync your github account with heroku and deploy it with a click.
This app is running on streamlit https://share.streamlit.io/aravind-tronix/covid19_analysis/main/app.py
Checkout the app on heroku https://app-covid19-analysis.herokuapp.com
here you can select a particular State to see the death,active,confirmed and recovered cases till date
here you can select a particular District for selected State to see the death,active,confirmed and recovered cases till date
- Statewise data https://api.covid19india.org/data.json
- Districtwise data https://api.covid19india.org/state_district_wise.json