A-song-of-ice-and-fire-API is a Node.js wrapper for accessing AnApiOfIceAndFire.
The current production release of A-song-of-ice-and-fire-API is available through npm:
npm install asoiaf-api
> var asoaif = require('asoiaf-api');
> asoaif.getCharacterByName("Jon Snow");
[ { url: 'http://www.anapioficeandfire.com/api/characters/583',
name: 'Jon Snow',
gender: 'Male',
culture: 'Northmen',
born: 'In 283 AC',
died: '',
titles: [ 'Lord Commander of the Night\'s Watch' ],
[ 'Lord Snow',
'Ned Stark\'s Bastard',
'The Snow of Winterfell',
'The Crow-Come-Over',
'The 998th Lord Commander of the Night\'s Watch',
'The Bastard of Winterfell',
'The Black Bastard of the Wall',
'Lord Crow' ],
father: '',
mother: '',
spouse: '',
allegiances: [ 'http://www.anapioficeandfire.com/api/houses/362' ],
books: [ 'http://www.anapioficeandfire.com/api/books/5' ],
[ 'http://www.anapioficeandfire.com/api/books/1',
'http://www.anapioficeandfire.com/api/books/8' ],
tvSeries: [ 'Season 1', 'Season 2', 'Season 3', 'Season 4', 'Season 5' ],
playedBy: [ 'Kit Harington' ] } ]
- Accepts: A string or number representing a character ID.
- Returns: An object containing the character's properties if the character exists.
- Accepts: A string representing full name of the character.
- Returns: An array of objects containing all the characters with given name.
- Accepts: A string representing the culture of Character.
- Returns: An array of objects containing all the characters with given culture.
- Accepts: A string representing the gender of Character.
- Returns: An array of objects containing all the characters with given gender.
- Returns: An array of objects containing all the characters.
- Accepts: A string or number representing a house ID.
- Returns: An object containing the house's properties if the house exists.
- Accepts: A string representing full name of the house.
- Returns: An array of objects containing all the houses with given name.
- Accepts: A string representing the region of the house.
- Returns: An array of objects containing all the houses with given region.
- Accepts: A string representing the words/saying of the house.
- Returns: An array of objects containing all the houses with given words/saying.
- Returns: An array of objects containing all the houses.
- Accepts: A string or number representing a book ID.
- Returns: An object containing the book's properties if the book exists.
- Accepts: A string representing full name of the book.
- Returns: An array of objects containing all the books with given name.
- Returns: An array of objects containing all the books.
- Returns: An object containing the properties of a random character.
- Returns: An object containing the properties of a random house.
- Accepts: A string representing full name of the house.
- Returns: An object containing the properties of a random character from the given house
> var asoaif = require('asoiaf-api');
> asoaif.getRandomCharacterOfHouse("House Stark of Winterfell");
{ url: 'http://www.anapioficeandfire.com/api/characters/170',
name: 'Barthogan Stark',
gender: 'Male',
culture: 'Northmen',
born: '',
died: '',
titles: [ 'Lord of Winterfell', 'Warden of the North' ],
aliases: [ 'Barth Blacksword' ],
father: '',
mother: '',
spouse: '',
allegiances: [ 'http://www.anapioficeandfire.com/api/houses/362' ],
[ 'http://www.anapioficeandfire.com/api/books/2',
'http://www.anapioficeandfire.com/api/books/11' ],
povBooks: [],
tvSeries: [],
playedBy: [] }