Contains the common code for subtle advertisements that's included in several of the arc42 websites, plus Dockerfile so the update can be performed by a Docker container.
Yes - that's right. Gernot and Peter, founders of arc42, make part of their living by training and coaching, therefore we include (very subtle, silent, low-voiced, unobtrusive) ads in the arc42 websites.
These ads simply announce the dates of our upcoming public trainings, sometimes presentations or similar.
- build the container, if not already done (see below)
- run the script
Short answer: Via git submodules and a custom Docker container.
- I created THIS repository (subtle-ads) to contain the text of the ads
- I include this repo (subtle-ads) as submodule in the site
I need the subtle-ads content in
cd _includes
git submodule add
- Then add the submodule to git by
cd ..
git add .gitmodules _includes/subtle-ads
- When updating the ad, I have to pull the modified submodule (aka this repo) from every of the sites I use it in. That's actually done by the Docker container... In case you need to do it manually: Goto the directory containing the site:
git submodule update --remote
git add .
git commit -m "updated submodule"
git push
I defined a container based upon Alpine linux
(see Dockerfile
in this repo):
FROM alpine:3.17
RUN apk update && apk upgrade && \
apk add --no-cache bash git openssh
In short:
- Alpine 3.17 based container
- Installs git
- Installs ncurses (to enable colored output)
- Building the container:
docker build --tag subtle-ads .
- Running the container:
docker run --interactive --tty --rm subtle-ads
The container needs to run in interactive mode, as it prompts for a github username and credentials. In case of 2-factor-auth, you need to provide your personal access token, otherwise your password will suffice.
- What the container does...
is pretty simple: read the script
, you'll understand.
Updating ads concerns (at least) the following arc42 sites:
- with repository
- with repository
- with repository
- with repository
- with repository
As the official git documentation is quite hard to understand, I used several additional sources: