Tucil (Tugas Kecil) 1 is a project for IF2211 Algorithm Strategies course. The project is make a program that can solve 24 game. The program will take 4 inputs and will give the solution to make 24 from those inputs. The program will also give the runtime of the program. The program will also give the option to save the solution to a file. The program use brute force algorithm to solve the problem. The program is written in C++.
13521010 - Muhamad Salman Hakim Alfarisi
- Input 4 numbers and get the solution to make 24
- Get the runtime of the program
- Save the solution to a file
- Input 1 to input your own numbers or 2 to generate random numbers
- If you input 1, you will be asked to input 4 cards (A, J, Q, K, 2-10)
- If you input 2, you will be given 4 random cards
- The program will show you all the possible solutions
- You can choose to save the solutions to a file or not
├─ bin
│ └─ makeIt24.exe
├─ doc
│ ├─ Tucil1-Stima-2023.pdf
│ └─ Tucil1_K3_13521010_Muhamad Salman Hakim Alfarisi.pdf
├─ src
│ ├─ makeIt24.cpp
│ ├─ operations.cpp
│ ├─ operations.hpp
│ ├─ solver24.cpp
│ └─ solver24.hpp
├─ test
│ ├─ test1.txt
│ ├─ test2.txt
│ ├─ test3.txt
│ ├─ test4.txt
│ ├─ test5.txt
│ └─ test6.txt
└─ README.md
- Clone this repository
- Run
- C++