A curated list of awesome bookmarks, packages, tutorials, videos and other cool resources from the Twill community.
Inspired by and based on chiraggude/awesome-laravel
- Discord
- GitHub Discussions
- Spectrum - No longer actively monitored, in favor of GitHub Discussions and Discord
- Build a CMS Stack with Laravel, Twill, Inertia, Vue 3, Vite, Tailwind (Source Code)
- Step by step - Creating a Twill app (Source Code)
- Adding a custom block to Twill Admin View with VueJS
- Enable media upload on settings pages
- Prefill a block editor from a selection of templates
- Vue.js Workflow - Creating custom components, form fields and blocks in Twill
- Adding custom user roles and permissions on Twill 2.x
- How to use Laravel’s default user table for Twill CMS authentication
- Manage frontend user profiles from Twill
- Multi tenant setup
- Art Institute of Chicago (Source Code) - Website of the Art Institute of Chicago
- Felix Online (Source Code) - The student newspaper of Imperial College London
- Service de Défense Incendie et Secours de Terre-Sainte (Source Code) - Website of the Service de Défense Incendie et Secours de Terre-Sainte (Twill v3)
- Timeline of African American Music (Source Code) - "Timeline of African American Music" project by Carnegie Hall
- Cities Capsule - A Twill Capsule to help you manage a list of Cities
- Countries Capsule - A Twill Capsule to help you manage a list of Countries
- Feature Flags - This Capsule allows you to easily enable/disable features on your application
- Homepages Capsule - A Twill Capsule to create a Home page for your website
- Redirections - A Twill Capsule to manage and handle application redirections
- Twill Capsules Base - A series of opinionated base classes and helpers for faster application bootstrapping using Twill and Capsules
- Twill Redirects - Manage redirects in Twill
- CreateUser - Create and activate a Twill user account
- DeleteCrop - Delete existing crops in database
- UpdateCrops - Smartly update existing crops in database given a new ratio
- Twill API - Provide a read-only API to Twill models and entities
- Twill GraphQL - Provides GraphQL wrapper for Twill CMS
- Twill Transformers - A base Transformer class and a series of traits to generate view data for your Twill app
- Twill Form Templates - A template field for Twill Modules
- Twill FormField partials - A set of FormFields for Twill CMS in order to standardise it and speed up the Development time
- Twill Image - Leverages Twill image processing with modern lazy-loading techniques and art-directed responsive images
- Twill Croppa - Use the advantages of Croppa in your Twill application, provided by a custom image rendering service
- Twill Metadata - A simple way to add editable SEO metadata to your Twill models
Found an awesome package, blog, course or video? Send me a pull request!
- Please make an individual pull request for each suggestion
- Use the following format for links: [Resource](URL) - Optional description
- New categories or improvements to the existing categorization are welcome
- Resources must be Twill-specific. If a Laravel package is helpful in the context of Twill, write a tutorial about it! :)
Awesome Twill is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.