Simple scrapper using twitter api
Simple twitter scrapper service using Twitter search API
- Docker
- make
How it works:
It is simple scrapping service using Twitter search API. It consists from 2 continers: application and database(Mongodb).
How to Start
For running the service:
- Add in .env file the BEARER_TOKEN
TWITTER_BEARER_TOKEN=your bearer token
- Just run
make run
Optionaly advenced:
The database path DB_PATH
by default is in ./mongodb
and mounted to container. It is possible to overwrite by doing make run DB_PATH=your path to db
Same is with logs LOG_PATH
by default is in ./logs
which is also mounted in containers(db and app). It is possible to overwrite by doing make run LOG_PATH=your path to logs
Other useful commands:
make stop
stopping the containers
make clean
stopping and deleting stopped and dangling containers
GET /api/topics
returns the existing topics
POST /api/topics
body: {name: 'topic name'}
adds the topic to existing. The next iteration of scrapping would be considered new topic as well.
GET /api/topics/:_id
returns specified topic
GET /api/tweets/
path parameters:
1. limit
max number of tweets to return. The maximum count of tweets to retrieve is 100.
2. topic_id
the ObjectId string
3. max_id
to get tweets with lesser than specified id
4. since_id
to get tweets greater than specified id
5. sort
sorting order 1 is ascending -1 is descending
GET /api/tweets/count
return aggregated tweets counts by topic