A Python API
Set up a virtual environment
From backend folder type the following command in your terminal to generate the virtual environment
python3 -m venv blockchan-env
Next, activate it
source blockchain-env/bin/activate
Now install all the dependencies
pip3 install pytest==6.0.1, Flask==1.1.2, pubnub==4.5.3, python-decouple==3.3, requests==2.22.0, cryptography==2.8, flask-cors==3.0.9
Run the tests
With the virtual environment activated and the dependencies installed, run the tests from the root folder from this project:
python3 -m pytest backend/tests
Run the API
From the development environment, run the command
python3 -m backend.api
Run a peer instance
From the development environment, run the command
export PEER=True && python3 -m backend.app
Seed the backend with data
Start the backend with the environment variable:
export SEED_DATA=True && python3 -m backend.app
A ReactJs app (in development)
From the web directory:
yarn start
A React Native mobile app (in development)