The elixir-omg
repository contains OmiseGO's Elixir implementation of Plasma and forms the basis for the OMG Network.
IMPORTANT NOTICE: Heavily WIP, expect anything
Table of Contents
- Getting Started
- elixir-omg applications
- Testing & development
The first release of the OMG Network is based upon Tesuji Plasma, an iterative design step over Plasma MVP. The diagram below illustrates the relationship between the wallet provider and how wallet providers connect to Tesuji Plasma.
See the Tesuji Plasma design document for a full description for the Child Chain Server and Watcher. NOTE not all parts of that design have been implemented!
A public testnet for the OMG Network is not yet available. However, if you are brave and want to test being a Tesuji Plasma chain operator, read on!
Firstly, install the child chain server and watcher.
The setup process for the Child chain server and for the Watcher is similar. A high level flow of the setup for both is outlined below.
NOTE If you are more interested in just getting things running quickly or unfamiliar with Elixir and Mix, skip the outline and scroll down to the next sections for step-by-step instructions.
- Run an Ethereum node connected to the appropriate network and make sure it's ready to use
- currently only connections via RPC over HTTP are supported, defaulting to
. To customize that, configureethereumex
, withurl: "http://host:port"
is required to be in effect
- currently only connections via RPC over HTTP are supported, defaulting to
- (Child chain server only) Prepare the authority address and deploy
, see Contracts section. Authority address belongs to the child chain operator, and is used to run the child chain (submit blocks to the root chain contract) - Produce a configuration file for
with the contract address, authority address and hash of contract-deploying transaction. The configuration keys can be looked up atapps/omg_eth/config/config.exs
. Such configuration must become part of the Mix configuration for the app you're going to be running. - Initialize the child chain server's
database. - At this point the child chain server should be properly setup to run by starting the
Mix app - (Watcher only) Configure PostgreSQL for
database - (Watcher only) Acquire the configuration file with root chain deployment data
- (Watcher only, optional) If running on the same machine as the child chain server, customize the location of
database folder - (Watcher only) Configure the child chain url (default is
) by configuring:omg_rpc, OMG.RPC.Web.Endpoint
withhttp: [port: 9656]
- (Watcher only) Initialize the Watcher's
database - (Watcher only) Create and migrate the PostgreSQL
database - (Watcher only) At this point the Watcher should be properly setup to run by starting the
Mix app
The easiest way to get started is if you have access to a developer instance of geth
If you don't already have access to a developer instance of geth
, follow the installation instructions.
A developer instance of geth
runs Ethereum locally and prefunds an account.
However, when geth
terminates, the state of the Ethereum network is lost.
geth --dev --dev.period 1 --rpc --rpcapi personal,web3,eth,net --rpcaddr
Alternatively, a persistent developer instance that does not lose state can be started with the following command:
geth --dev --dev.period 1 --rpc --rpcapi personal,web3,eth,net --rpcaddr --datadir ~/.geth
Another alternative might be running the whole setup on some official testnet, ex. rinkeby
geth --rinkeby --rpc --rpcapi personal,web3,eth,net --rpcaddr
NOTE Contrary to working with developer instance, operator's account must be manually funded with testnet Ether.
The following step will:
- create, fund and unlock the authority address
- deploy the root chain contract
- create the config file
Note that geth
needs to already be running for this step to work!
From the root dir of elixir-omg
mix compile
mix run --no-start -e \
contents = OMG.Eth.DevHelpers.prepare_env!() |> OMG.Eth.DevHelpers.create_conf_file()
"~/config.exs" |> Path.expand() |> File.write!(contents)
The result should look something like this (use cat ~/config.exs
to check):
use Mix.Config
config :omg_eth,
contract_addr: "0x005f49af1af9eee6da214e768683e1cc8ab222ac",
txhash_contract: "0x3afd2c1b48eaa3100823de1924d42bd48ee25db1fd497998158f903b6a841e92",
authority_addr: "0x5c1a5e5d94067c51ec51c6c00416da56aac6b9a3"
The above values are only demonstrative, do not copy and paste!
Note that you'll need to pass the configuration file each time you run mix
with the following parameter --config ~/config.exs
NOTE If you're using persistent geth
and geth
is restarted after the above step, the authority account must be unlocked again:
geth attach
personal.unlockAccount(“<authority_addr from ~/config.exs>”, 'ThisIsATestnetPassphrase', 0)
The passphrase mentioned above originates from dev_helpers
It is what is used when deploying the contract in the dev
environment using prepare_env!()
as above.
The above configuration assumes that the contract is deployed on a dev instance of geth
which has unlimited Eth
To deploy child chain
on in an environment with limited Eth
provide :faucet
and :initial_funds
options to prepare_env!
NOTE: the faucet account must first be unlocked and funded
NOTE: the newly created authority
address needs refunding from time to time (preferably done by geth attach
Initialize the database with the following command. CAUTION This wipes the old data clean!:
rm -rf ~/.omg/data
mix run --no-start -e 'OMG.DB.init()'
The database files are put at the default location ~/.omg/data
You need to re-initialize the database, in case you want to start a new child chain from scratch!
- Start up geth if not already started.
- Start Up the child chain server:
iex -S mix xomg.child_chain.start --config ~/config.exs
This assumes that you've got a developer environment Child chain server set up and running on the default localhost:9656
, see above.
sudo -u postgres createuser omisego_dev
sudo -u postgres psql
alter user omisego_dev with encrypted password 'omisego_dev';
Copy the configuration file used by the Child chain server to ~/config_watcher.exs
cp ~/config.exs ~/config_watcher.exs
You need to use a different location of the OMG.DB
for the Watcher, so in ~/config_watcher.exs
append the following:
config :omg_db,
leveldb_path: Path.join([System.get_env("HOME"), ".omg/data_watcher"])
CAUTION This wipes the old data clean!
rm -rf ~/.omg/data_watcher
mix ecto.reset --no-start
mix run --no-start -e 'OMG.DB.init()' --config ~/config_watcher.exs
It is possible to run the watcher in two different modes:
- The first is
security critical
iex -S mix xomg.watcher.start --config ~/config_watcher.exs
- The second is
security critical
iex -S mix xomg.watcher.start --convenience --config ~/config_watcher.exs
See docs/TODO for more details about watcher modes.
After starting the child chain server and/or Watcher as above, you may follow the steps in the demo scripts. Note that some steps should be performed in the Elixir shell (iex) and some in the shell directly.
To start a configured instance of the iex
REPL, from the elixir-omg
root directory do:
iex -S mix run --no-start --config ~/config.exs
Follow one of the scripts in the docs directory. Don't pick any OBSOLETE
Solutions to common problems may be found in the troubleshooting document.
is an umbrella app comprising of several Elixir applications:
The general idea of the apps responsibilities is:
- child chain server- tracks Ethereum for things happening in the root chain contract (deposits/exits)
- gathers transactions, decides on validity, forms blocks, persists
- submits blocks to the root chain contract
- see
for a rundown of children processes involved
- wrapper around the child chain server's database to store the UTXO set and blocks necessary for state persistenceomg_eth
- wrapper around the Ethereum RPC clientomg_rpc
- a Http-RPC server being the gateway toomg_api
- performance tester for the child chain serveromg_watcher
- Phoenix app that runs the Watcher
See application architecture for more details.
is the Elixir app which runs the child chain server, whose API is exposed by :omg_rpc
For the responsibilities and design of the child chain server see Tesuji Plasma Blockchain Design document.
Http-RPC requests are served up on the port specified in omg_rpc
's config
by default).
The available RPC calls are defined by omg_api
in api.ex
- paths follow RPC convention e.g. block.get
, transaction.submit
. All requests shall be POST with parameters provided in the request
body in JSON object. Object's properties names correspond to the names of parameters. Binary values
shall be hex-encoded strings.
POST /transaction.submit
"transaction":"rlp encoded plasma transaction in hex"
See the step by step transaction generation specs here.
"version": "1",
"success": true,
"data": {
"blknum": 123000,
"txindex": 111,
"txhash": "block hash in hex"
POST /block.get
"hash":"block hash in hex"
"version": "1",
"success": true,
"data": {
"blknum": 123000,
"hash": "block hash in hex",
"transactions": [
"rlp encoded plasma transaction in hex",
TODO other sections
The address that is running the child chain server and submitting blocks needs to be funded with Ether. At the current stage this is designed as a manual process, i.e. we assume that every gas reserve checkpoint interval, someone will ensure that gas reserve worth of Ether is available for transactions.
Gas reserve must be enough to cover the gas reserve checkpoint interval of submitting blocks, assuming the most pessimistic scenario of gas price.
Calculate the gas reserve as follows:
gas_reserve = child_blocks_per_day * days_in_interval * gas_per_submission * highest_gas_price
child_blocks_per_day = ethereum_blocks_per_day / submit_period
Submit period is the number of Ethereum blocks per a single child block submission) - configured in :omg_api, :child_block_submit_period
Highest gas price is the maximum gas price which the operator allows for when trying to have the block submission mined (operator always tries to pay less than that maximum, but has to adapt to Ethereum traffic) - configured in (TODO when doing OMG-47 task)
- submission of a child block every Ethereum block
- weekly cadence of funding
- highest gas price 40 Gwei
- 75071 gas per submission (checked for
used at this revision)
we get
gas_reserve ~= 4 * 60 * 24 / 1 * 7 * 75071 * 40 / 10**9 ~= 121 ETH
The Watcher is an observing node that connects to Ethereum and the child chain server's API. It ensures that the child chain is valid and notifies otherwise. It exposes the information it gathers via a REST interface (Phoenix). It provides a secure proxy to the child chain server's API and to Ethereum, ensuring that sensitive requests are only sent to a valid chain.
For more on the responsibilities and design of the Watcher see Tesuji Plasma Blockchain Design document.
Exposed websockets are using Phoenix channels feature. Different events are emitted for each topic.
There are the following topics:
address_received and address_spent
event informing about that particular address received funds.
event informing about that particular address spent funds.
Blocks are validated by the Watcher after a short (not-easily-configurable) finality margin. By consequence, above events will be emitted no earlier than that finality margin.
In case extra finality is required for high-stakes transactions, the client is free to wait any number of Ethereum blocks (confirmations) on top of submitted_at_ethheight
"topic": "transfer:0xfd5374cd3fe7ba8626b173a1ca1db68696ff3692",
"ref": null,
"payload": {
"child_blknum": 10000,
"child_txindex": 12,
"child_block_hash": "DB32876CC6F26E96B9291682F3AF4A04C2AA2269747839F14F1A8C529CF90225",
"submited_at_ethheight": 14,
"tx": {
"signed_tx": {
"raw_tx": {
"amount1": 7,
"amount2": 3,
"blknum1": 2001,
"blknum2": 0,
"cur12": "0000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
"newowner1": "051902B7A7D6DCB915CE8FFD3BF46B5E0E16BB9C",
"newowner2": "E6E3F1307219F68AE4B271CFD493EC8F932C34D9",
"oindex1": 0,
"oindex2": 0,
"txindex1": 0,
"txindex2": 0
"sig1": "7B52AB ...",
"sig2": "2ABGAT ...",
"signed_tx_bytes": "F8CF83 ..."
"signed_tx_hash": "0768DC526A093C8C058303832FF3AB45893466D731A34BCF1BF2F866586C0FE6",
"spender1": "6DCB915C051902B7A7DE8FFD3BF46B5E0E16BB9C",
"spender2": "5E0E16BB9C19F68AE4B271CFD493EC8F932C34D9"
"join_ref": null,
"event": "address_received"
TODO the rest of the events' specs. First draft:
These should be treated as a prompt to mass exit immediately.
Event informing about that particular block is invalid
Event informing about a particular, invalid, active exit having gone too long without being challenged, jeopardizing funds in the child chain.
Event informing about that the child chain is withholding block.
OMG network uses contract code from the contracts repo.
Code from a particular branch in that repo is used, see one of mix.exs
configuration files for details.
Contract code is downloaded automatically when getting dependencies of the Mix application with mix deps.get
You can find the downloaded version of that code under deps/plasma_contracts
To install dependencies:
sudo apt-get install libssl-dev solc
Contracts will compile automatically as a regular mix dependency. To compile contracts manually:
mix deps.compile plasma_contracts
Quick test (no integration tests):
mix test
Longer-running integration tests (requires compiling contracts):
mix test --only integration
For other kinds of checks, refer to the CI/CD pipeline (Jenkinsfile
To run a development iex
REPL with all code loaded:
iex -S mix run --no-start
This repo contains gh-pages
branch intended to host Slate-based API specification. Branch gh-pages
is totally diseparated from other development branches and contains just Slate generated page's files.
See gh-pages README for more details.