The information below should help you to properly cite this project where appropriate. Up-to-date citations will be added as they are produced.
If you use the contained software, we ask that you cite the version of this repository that you used::
author = "Anshuman Chaube, Kathryn Huff",
title = "{i2cner v0.1}",
year = "2017",
month = "11"
If you use any of our published results or methods, please also cite the relevant paper(s) below.
address = {Fukuoka, Japan},
title = {Dynamic {Transition} {Analysis} with {TIMES}},
url = {},
booktitle = {I2CNER {Annual} {Symposium}},
publisher = {Kyushu University},
author = {Chaube, Anshuman and Stubbins, James and Huff, Kathryn D.},
month = jan,
year = {2018}