N: new feature
A: addition to a feature
C: change to the behavior of a feature
F: fixed feature
R: removed feature
- #357 (N) Introduce a TaylorSeriesBounderIntegrator, that identifies the bounds from the expansion without resorting to a Bounder initially
- #613 (A) Add Python bindings for Variables2d, Projection2d fields, HybridEnclosure space accessors
- #617 (A) Add is_polynomial_in predicate for symbolic expressions
- #622 (A) Implement GradedTaylorPicardIterator that avoids initial use of Bounder
- #626 (A) Allow 'none' graphics backend or drawer from CLI, to temporarily switch off graphics when desired
- #628 (A) Implement some methods for Polynomial, in particular for vectors thereof
- #636 (A) Add Python bindings for hybrid automaton target method
- #642 (A) Add Python bindings for hybrid automaton name and symbolic expressions in dynamics/guards/invariants/resets
- #643 (A) Add C++ and Python support for iteration through components of a CompositeHybridAutomaton
- #612 (C) Remove unused legend from Gnuplot output
- #639 (C) Use a finer (3/4) refinement strategy for the step size when computing a flow step based on an accuracy threshold
- #616 (F) Fix behavior of unary symbolic expression predicates
- #620 (F) EulerBounder did not reset the bounding domain between refinements to the step size
- #631 (F) Conditional disabling of graphics in absence of both Cairo and Gnuplot was incorrect
- #645 (F) Use only static const Generator objects, addressing linking issue for the whole library
- #623 (R) Simplify IntegratorInterface with only one flow step, removing flow/flow_to and hiding flow_bounds