Welcome to the Tourist Guide website, your ultimate resource for exploring the beauty of Bangladesh!
Visit the live site: https://exploresavvy-tourist-guide.web.app/
Homepage: - Navbar with logo, website name, and user authentication (login/register) - Dynamic user profile dropdown with links to Dashboard - Tourism and Travel Guide Section with tabs for Overview, Our Packages, and Meet Our Tour Guides - Tour Type Section linking to specific tour packages - Tourist Story Section featuring clickable stories with share functionality
Package Details Page - About The Tour, Tour plan, and list of tour guides - Booking form with user information pre-filled and date picker for booking
Tour Guide Profile Page: - Tour guide details, including reviews and rating system - Ability for users to rate and comment on tour guides
Authentication: - Login and registration forms with social login options - Protected routes for users, tour guides, and admins
User Dashboards: - Tourist Dashboard: My Profile, My Bookings, My Wishlist, Request to Admin - Tour Guide Dashboard: My Profile, My Assigned Tours - Admin Dashboard: My Profile, Add Package, Manage Users
Notifications and Alerts: - SweetAlert/Toast notifications for CRUD operations and authentication events
Advanced Features: - JWT authentication with local storage implementation - Discount message for frequent users with animation effects
Frontend: - React.js with react-router-dom for routing - React Tabs for tabbed content - React Datepicker for date selection - React Share for social media sharing
Backend: - Node.js with Express.js for server-side logic - MongoDB for database storage with Mongoose for ORM - Firebase Authentication for user authentication - JWT for secure authentication tokens - Tanstack Query for efficient data fetching (GET methods)
Additional Packages: - React Helmet
To run this project locally, follow these steps:
Clone the repository:
bash git clone https://github.com/arifanadia/exploresavvy-tourist-guide-client.git
Navigate to the project directory: cd exploresavvy-tourist-guide-client
Install dependencies: npm install
Start the development server: npm start
Server-side git-repo
bash git clone https://github.com/arifanadia/exploresavvy-tourist-guide-server.git
Email : contactarifanadia@gmail.com