Please note that the ansible.users role has been moved to a new collection and will no longer be actively developed in this repository. For the latest version of the role, including new features and updates, please visit the new collection at We encourage all users to switch to the updated role in the new collection for ongoing support and improvements.
This is an Ansible role which users and user's authorized keys manages on Linux and Windows.
ansible-galaxy install arillso.users
list of users to add
users: []
list of users to add by host vars
users_list_host: []
list of users to add by group vars
users_list_group: []
- username: foobar (required)
name: Foo Bar
uid: 1000
group: staff
password: xxxxx (a hash created with: mkpasswd)
groups: ["adm", "www-data"]
append: no (only append groups, leave others)
home_mode: "0750"
home_create: yes
home: /path/to/user/home
system: no
authorized_keys: []
authorized_keys_exclusive: yes
ssh_key_type: rsa
ssh_key_bits: 2048
ssh_key_password: ""
ssh_key_generate: no
ssh_key: "xxx"
shell: /bin/bash
update_password: always
- username: foobar (required)
name: Foo Bar
description: User
password: xxxxx
groups: ['adm', 'www-data']
hide: true
users home directory
users_home: /home
default user's primary group for users
default user's secondary groups
users_groups: []
default user's home directory permissions
users_home_mode: '0755'
default user's ssh key type
users_ssh_key_type: rsa
default user's ssh key bits
users_ssh_key_bits: 2048
default user's setting for authorized keys exclusive
users_authorized_keys_exclusive: 'no'
- hosts: all
- arillso.users
This project is under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for the full license text.
(c) 2020, Arillso