This is a dojo on the Zen Observable library:
It has been adapted from the exercises kindly set up by (many thanks!)
- Run
npm install
- To execute tests, run
npm test
- Work through each of the exercises, for each test:
- Unignore the test (by changing xit to it)
- Make the test pass
- Create an observable to emit the rainbow colours, and subscribe to it to print them out
- Passing an object to subscription
- Passing just functions to subscription
- Observable.of() emits a sequence of values
- Observable.forEach() as an alternative
- Write an Observable to make a delay
- Write an Observable to output values at a fixed rate
- Given a simple callback-based API (e.g. nanoajax), wrap it up as an Observable
- The same with an API that takes onSuccess and onError callbacks
- Wrap an Observable in another Observable to transform its output
- Simple transforms are simple, subscription is container’s unsubscribe
- Use the .map method
- Use the .filter method
- Write an Observable to emit the values of other Observables in turn
- Use the .concat method
- Write an Observable to propagate values from an underlying Observable at a fixed rate (auto-refresh)
- Zen-observable provides some combining functions: merge, combineLatest, zip
- Should have all the pieces (delay, concat) now to easily demonstrate what these do