Publish large files to nostr as chunks and reassemble them with ease!
This package requires the usage of NDK
$ yarn add nostr-chunkey-monkey
import { publish, reassemble } from 'nostr-chunkey-monkey'
// get the file from the input[type=file] element
const files = uploadElement.files
// if the input has the multiple attribute, it can handle multiple files at once
// optional custom tags
const customTags = [
["whatever", "you want"],
["do it", "like this"],
["monkey", "🐒🍌"],
// Optional hex event id to attach the chunks to.
// This makes the attached event a magnet for querying chunks when the chunked file hash isn't known: Filter { kinds: 5391, #e <attached> }
const attachToEvent = "0fbc395a..."
const allChunks = []
for (const file of files) {
const publishedFileChunks = await publish({ndk, file, tags: customTags, attach: attachToEvent })
// Display the SHA256 hash of the file. This will be the same for every chunk, so you can use it as the identifier of the group of chunks.
// You can filter a relay query for the x tag to grab all the chunks.
let hash = publishedFileChunks[0].tags.find( t => t[0] === 'x')[1]
// reassemble the files, even multiple different files at a time, by passing chunk events into reassemble()
const reassembledFiles = reassemble(allChunks)
console.log(reassembledFiles) // {"<mimetype>:<hash>": "plaintext file contents", ...}
- modify index tag to support 3rd element indicating how many chunks the file has
- add error if not all chunks are found for a file
This is my first package ever so it probably sucks