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Slack App Building library to handle app distribution, commands, interactions.


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This is a quick library to help with my development work at Nike Inc, please check the supported features before you use.
Feel free to fork and add your features if needed

A Simple Slack App library to help you quickly spin up Slack Apps that are capable of app distribution and signature checking without the hassle.

  • All command, interactions, events endpoints are secured with slack signature checking.
  • App distribution is automatically enabled, howered, you need to handle the token storage by using the OnAppInstall function
  • You can enable custom routes if needed, such as for external select inputs for slack, or for your other service needs

Supported Features

  • Block Kit UI:
    • Button - Action
    • Text Section
    • Text Fields
    • Modal
    • Actions
    • Plain Text Input
    • (multi/single) Static Select Input
    • (multi/single) External Select Input
    • Multi-Conversation Select Input
    • (multi/single) User Select Input
    • Date Picker Input
    • Time Picker Input
    • Radio Input
    • Checkbox Input
    • Header
    • Context
    • Image
    • Divider
  • Slack API:
    • Open View
    • Update View
    • Find User by Email
    • Find User by Slack ID
    • Update Message
    • Post Message
    • File upload

Slack Context

All handlers are functions with the loafer.SlackContext parameter passed to it, and the format is as followed:

type SlackContext struct {
	Body      []byte              // Body of the request
	Token     string              // Token of the corresponding workspace
	Workspace string              // Workspace where event is coming from
	Req       *http.Request       // http request
	Res       http.ResponseWriter // http response

To Start an App

package main

// TokenCache - Implementation of the loafer.TokensCache interface, this allows you to control how you store/access your tokens
type TokenCache struct {
	tokens map[string]string

// Get - Getting the token for the corresponding workspace
func (t *TokenCache) Get(workspace string) string {
	return t.tokens[workspace]

// Set - Setting the token for the corresponding workspace
func (t *TokenCache) Set(workspace string, token string) {
	t.tokens[workspace] = token

// Remove - Removing the token for the corresponding workspace
func (t *TokenCache) Remove(workspace string) {
	delete(t.tokens, workspace)

// main - entrypoint of program
func main {
  // Initialize an instance of the TokenCache
	myTokenCache := TokenCache{
		tokens: make(map[string]string)}
  // Set up the options for the slack app, clientId & client secret is not needed if you don't need app distribution
	opts := loafer.SlackAppOptions{
		Name:          "Dev Bot",
		Prefix:        "dev",
		TokensCache:   &myTokenCache,
		SigningSecret: "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx",
		ClientID:      "xxxxxxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxxx",
		ClientSecret:  "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"}
  // Initialize your Slack App with the options
	app := loafer.InitializeSlackApp(&opts)
  // Add handler to command /coaching
	app.OnCommand("/coaching", handleDevCommand)
  // Serve the app on PORT 8080, you can use callback here if needed
	app.ServeApp(8080, nil)

App will now serve on the route:{prefix}/install - For app distribution{prefix}/events - For event subscription{prefix}/commands - For app commands{prefix}/interactions - For app interactions{prefix}/${custom_route_pattern} - For app custom routes

API Reference


InitializeSlackApp(opts *SlackAppOptions) SlackApp


  • app SlackApp

Get an instance of a slack app with options:

  • Name - Name of slack app
  • Prefix - Prefix of slack app route
  • TokensCache - Token cache that implemented the TokensCache interface from loafer
  • ClientSecret - Client secret of slack app, used for app distribution
  • ClientID - Client ID of slack app, used for app distribution
  • SigningSecret - Signning secret for slack app, used for slack request verification

ServeApp(port uint16, cb func())

Serve Slack app on port and cb when server first starts

Close(ctx context.Context)

Shutdown Slack app

OnCommand(cmd string, handler func(ctx *SlackContext))

Add handler to command

RemoveCommand(cmd string)

Remove handler to command

OnAction(actionID string, handler func(ctx *SlackContext))

Add handler to action

OnShortcut(callbackID string, handler func(ctx *SlackContext))

Add handler to shortcut

OnViewSubmission(callbackID string, handler func(ctx *SlackContext))

Add handler to view submission

OnViewClose(callbackID string, handler, handler func(ctx *SlackContext))

Add handler to view close

OnEvent(eventType string, handler func(ctx *SlackContext))

Add handler to view close

OnError(handler func(res http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request, err error))

Add handler to errors

OnAppInstall(cb func(installRes *SlackOauth2Response, res http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request) bool


  • avoidDefaultPage bool

handle the app distribute, once app distribution is successfull, it will call the cb function, cb function should return a boolean value.

  • true - you want to use your own html/redirection
  • false - show default installation html page

CustomRoute(pattern string, handler func(res http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request))

Add handler to a custom pattern

Response(ctx *SlackContext, code int, message []byte, headers map[string]string)

Response back to Slack

ConvertState(state ISlackBlockKitUI, dst interface{})

Response interaction event state to your form state struct type

Slack APIs

OpenView(view SlackModal, triggerID string, token string) error


  • err error

Open a modal within slack

UpdateView(view SlackInteractionView, viewID string, token string) error


  • err error

Updates a modal within slack

FindUserByEmail(email string, token string) (*SlackUser, error)


  • user SlackUser
  • err error

Find a user within the slack workspace

FindUserByID(id string, token string) (*SlackUser, error)


  • user SlackUser
  • err error

Find a user within the slack workspace

PostMessage(channel string, blocks ISlackBlockKitUI, text string, token string) error


  • err error

Post a message to a slack channel/user/conversation

UpdateMessage(channel string, ts string, blocks ISlackBlockKitUI, text string, token string) error


  • err error

Update a message of a slack channel/user/conversation given a time stamp of the original message

FileUpload(channels []string, filename string, content string, filetype string, token string) error


  • err error

Upload a file to the Slack workspace and share to the list of channels/users/conversations

Block Kit UIs

MakeSlackButton(text string, value string, actionID string) SlackBlockButton


  • button SlackBlockButton

Make a Block Kit Button

MakeSlackTextSection(text string) SlackBlockSection


  • section SlackBlockSection

Make a Block Kit text section

MakeSlackTextFieldsSection(texts []string) SlackBlockTextFields


  • textField SlackBlockTextFields

Make a Block Kit text field section

MakeSlackModal(title string, callbackID string, blocks ISlackBlockKitUI, submitText string, closeText string, notifyOnClose bool) SlackModal


  • modal SlackModal

Make a Block Kit modal

MakeSlackActions(actions ISlackBlockKitUI) SlackBlockActions


  • actions SlackBlockActions

Make a Block Kit actions section

MakeSlackModalTextInput(label string, placeholder string, actionID string, isMultiline bool, isDispatch bool, maxLength uint16) SlackInputElement


  • input SlackInputElement

Make a Block Kit modal plain text input

MakeSlackModalStaticSelectInput(label string, placeholder string, options []SlackInputOption, initialOption *SlackInputOption, actionID string, isMulti bool, isOptional bool) SlackModalSelect


  • select SlackModalSelect

Make a Block Kit modal static select input

MakeSlackModalExternalStaticSelectInput(label string, placeholder string, initialOption *SlackInputOption, actionID string, isMulti bool, minQueryLength uint16, isOptional bool) SlackModalSelect


  • externalSelect SlackModalSelect

Make a Block Kit modal external static select input

MakeSlackBlockExternalStaticSelectInput(label string, placeholder string, initialOptions []SlackInputOption, actionID string, isMulti bool, minQueryLength uint16) SlackBlockSection


  • blockSection SlackBlockSection

Make a Block Kit block section external section

MakeSlackBlockExternalStaticSelectInput(label string, placeholder string, initialOptions []SlackInputOption, actionID string, isMulti bool) SlackBlockSection


  • blockSection SlackBlockSection

Make a Block Kit block section static select section

MakeSlackBlockButton(label string, text string, value string, actionID string) SlackBlockSection


  • button SlackBlockSection

Make a Block Kit block section with button

MakeSlackModalMultiConversationSelectInput(label string, placeholder string, initialConversations []string, actionID string) SlackModalSelect


  • select SlackModalSelect

Make a Block Kit modal multi conversation select list

MakeSlackActionExternalStaticSelectInput(label string, placeholder string, initialOption *SlackInputOption, actionID string, isMulti bool, minQueryLength uint16) SlackActionSelect


  • select SlackActionSelect

Make a Block Kit modal external select list

MakeSlackModalMultiUserSelectInput(label string, placeholder string, initialUsers []string, actionID string) SlackModalSelect


  • select SlackModalSelect

Make a Block Kit modal multi user select list

MakeSlackModalUserSelectInput(label string, placeholder string, initialUser string, actionID string) SlackModalSelect


  • select SlackModalSelect

Make a Block Kit modal user select list

MakeSlackModalDatePickerInput(label string, placeholder string, initialDate string, actionID string) SlackInputElement


  • picker SlackInputElement

Make a Block Kit modal date picker

MakeSlackModalCheckboxesInput(label string, placeholder string, options []SlackInputOption, initialOptions []SlackInputOption, actionID string) SlackInputElement


  • picker SlackInputElement

Make a Block Kit modal checkbox picker

MakeSlackModalRadioInput(label string, placeholder string, options []SlackInputOption, actionID string) SlackInputElement


  • picker SlackInputElement

Make a Block Kit modal radio picker

MakeSlackInputOption(text string, value string) SlackInputOption


  • option SlackInputOption

Make a Block Kit select option

MakeSlackModalTimePickerInput(label string, placeholder string, initialTime string, actionID string) SlackInputElement


  • picker SlackInputElement

Make a Block Kit time picker

MakeSlackHeader(text string) SlackBlockSection


  • header SlackBlockSection

Make a Block Kit header

MakeSlackDivider() SlackDivider


  • divider SlackDivider

Make a Block Kit divider

MakeSlackContext(text string) SlackBlockActions


  • ctx SlackBlockActions

Make a Block Kit context section

MakeSlackImage(title string, imageURL string, altText string) SlackBlockAccessory


  • img SlackBlockAccessory

Make a Block Kit image section


Kevin Xu


Apache 2.0


Slack App Building library to handle app distribution, commands, interactions.








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