A bunch of bash scripts implementing a minimal Certification Authority (CA).
Useful for easily and quickly creating self-signed root, intermediate and leaf (client/server) x509 certificates.
For testing purposes only!
Optionally clear the CA folder:
sudo rm -rf /root/ca
Grab the scripts:
sudo rm -rf ~/my-simple-bash-ca
git clone https://github.com/arlotito/my-simple-bash-ca
cd ~/my-simple-bash-ca/scripts
chmod +x *.sh
Customize ./scripts/*.openssl.cnf files as needed or keep default values.
You can now create your certs. As an example, to create certs as per the diagram above:
cd ~/my-simple-bash-ca/scripts
sudo ./create_root.sh
sudo ./create_int.sh int1
sudo ./create_server.sh int1 server.contoso.com
sudo ./create_int.sh int2
sudo ./create_client.sh int2 clientA
sudo ./create_int.sh int3
sudo ./create_client.sh int3 deviceA
All the certificates are stored in /root/ca
To export them into a given folder:
Usage: ./export.sh -i <intermediate-name> -c <certificate-name> -d <dest-folder> [-k] [-h]
-h Display help
-i name of the intermediate
(it's the /root/ca/<intermediate-name>)
-c name of the certificate ("intermediate" or client/server name)
(it's /root/ca/<intermediate-name>/certs/<CERT_NAME>.cert.pem and /root/ca/<intermediate-name>/private/<CERT_NAME>.cert.pem)
-d destination folder
-k exports the private key
to extract the intermediate "int1" (including private key) into ~/exported:
./export.sh -i int1 -c intermediate -d ~/exported -k
to extract the server "est.contoso.com" (including private key) into ~/exported:
./export.sh -i int1 -c est.contoso.com -d ~/exported -k
to extract the client "device3" (including private key) into ~/exported:
./export.sh -i int1 -c device3 -d ~/exported -k
To optionally view the ROOT certificate:
sudo openssl x509 -noout -in /root/ca/certs/ca.cert.pem -noout -subject -issuer
To view the INTERMEDIATE certificates:
# NOTE: replace `<INTERMEDIATE>` with the intermediate name
sudo openssl x509 -noout -in <INTERMEDIATE>/certs/intermediate.cert.pem -noout -subject -issuer
To verify INTERMEDIATE against ROOT:
# NOTE: replace `<INTERMEDIATE>` with the intermediate name
sudo openssl verify -CAfile /root/CA/certs/ca.cert.pem /root/CA/<INTERMEDIATE>/certs/intermediate.cert.pem