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flexible object rendering in Django; separate template design from view logic


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Provides layout and templating features for use in Armstrong and Django projects. arm_layout provides tools to help streamline displaying content and excels at rendering standardized, model-specific templates that are easy to share or overwrite to be as general or specific as you need. Render your model objects wherever you need them in your templates without worrying about object specifics or view logic.


Cheat sheet

{% load layout_helpers %}

{% render_model model_obj "template_name" %}

<!-- otherwise render_model behaves exactly like {% include ... %} -->
{% render_model model_obj "template_name" with additional="data" %}
{% render_model model_obj "template_name" with isolated="context" only %}

<!-- shortcut to call render_model on a list of model objects -->
{% render_list list_of_models "template_name" %}

<!-- or more flexible looping -->
{% render_iter list_of_models %}
    {% render_next "big" %}
    {% render_next "small" %}
    {% render_next "big" %}
    {% render_remainder "small" %}
{% endrender_iter %}

In depth

To load the template tags, add the following line (generally at the top of your template):

{% load layout_helpers %}

Now you can use the render_model template tag to display a given model like this:

{% render_model some_model "full_page" %}

some_model is a variable in your template that is a model instance and the string "full_page" is the name of your "layout". render_model looks for a template named layout/<app_label>/<model>/<layout>.html to determine what to use to display your model instance. Going one step further, it is smart enough to walk through the inheritance of the model to determine if there are any parent models that have the layout that can be used. For example, if some_model was an instance of armstrong.apps.articles.models.Article that inherits from armstrong.apps.content.models.Content, render_model looks for the following templates, in this order:

 "layout/content/content/full_page.html", ]

You have access to the entire template context inside the full_page.html template. You also have a new variable called object which represents the model instance that you provided to render_model. That variable is only available inside the layout template and temporarily overrides any other context variable called object. Aside from the flexibility of looking up a template based on model inheritance, this tag works just like {% include %}. You can add to the context using with extra="param" or isolate the context using only. Once render_model is finished, it restores the original context.

layout_helpers provides two other helper methods for easily rendering multiple models without having to manually loop through them. You can render an entire list of models using the same template:

{% render_list list_of_models "preview" %}

Or have finer control with a block tag that lets you step through each model instance specifying the template each time and then rendering all the rest with a common template:

{% render_iter list_of_models %}
    {% render_next "preview" %}
    {% render_next "preview" %}
    {% render_next "preview" %}
    {% render_remainder "headline" %}
{% endrender_iter %}

Of course you could do the same thing another way:

{% render_list list_of_models[:3] "preview" %}
{% render_list list_of_models[3:] "headline" %}

A limitation of these loop helpers is they cannot add or limit the context using with or only as render_model can. You could however wrap the tags in a {% with need="this" and="that" %} ... {% endwith %} block. See the with documentation.

Installation & Configuration

Supports Django 1.3, 1.4, 1.5, 1.6, 1.7 on Python 2.6 and 2.7.

  1. pip install armstrong.core.arm_layout
  2. Add armstrong.core.arm_layout to your INSTALLED_APPS

Optional Setting: (Used in and safe to omit)

ARMSTRONG_LAYOUT_BACKEND = "armstrong.core.arm_layout.backends.BasicLayoutBackend"
Backends specify how the template tags actually determine template paths. There are two options--BasicLayoutBackend and ModelProvidedLayoutBackend. Basic uses model inheritance as a directory structure. ModelProvided does the same, but optionally allows a model to determine its own template lookup. A few model mixins are provided for common scenarios. Feel free to write your own backend if you need other functionality.


Development occurs on Github. Participation is welcome!

  • Found a bug? File it on Github Issues. Include as much detail as you can and make sure to list the specific component since we use a centralized, project-wide issue tracker.
  • Testing? pip install tox and run tox
  • Have code to submit? Fork the repo, consolidate your changes on a topic branch and create a pull request. The package provides tools for testing, coverage and South migration as well as making it very easy to run a full Django environment with this component's settings.
  • Questions, need help, discussion? Use our Google Group mailing list.

State of Project

Armstrong is an open-source news platform that is freely available to any organization. It is the result of a collaboration between the Texas Tribune and The Center for Investigative Reporting and a grant from the John S. and James L. Knight Foundation. Armstrong is available as a complete bundle and as individual, stand-alone components.


flexible object rendering in Django; separate template design from view logic







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Contributors 4
