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- Webiste Name: Dev To
- Query Selctory, Inner HTML
Target the Top description div and change the DEV Community to <Your_Name> and description to your passion
- Website Name: Apple
['iPhone', 'Mac', 'iPad', 'Watch', 'AirPods', 'Music', 'TV']
- Webiste Name: Youtube Support
- Get Element By Id, Create Element, Create Text Node, Append Child
Add another FAQ 'My New FAQ' to the list
- Webiste Name: OnePlus
Query Selector, InnerText
Change the contact number
- Webiste Name: Samsung
getElementById, createElement, InnerText, append, setAttribute
Target the main div of card and change the Button text to Check out
- Webiste Name: Adidas
- Query Selector, Event listeners, Changing Styles
Target the search box and on hover change thebackground color to red.
- Webiste Name: MDN Web Docs
Form, Value, Submit
To Search a topic in the MDN Search bar.
First add a text to search in the search bar and then hit the submit search button to search the docs using DOM
- Webiste Name: Google
Remove Elements
Remove alternate languages from the home page languages listed
- Webiste Name: Code Wars
Change Font Family, Color of Text.
Change the font family of the text to monospace and text color to the logo’s background color.
- Webiste Name: Freecodecamp
querySelector, mouseover, click eventListener, callback function, style,
Target the button and change background colour on mouseover
- Webiste Name: realme
change the realme logo to ineuron logo
- Webiste Name: Github
change the background colour of the button to blue.
- Webiste Name: Hackerrank
Target the top description and change “Matching developers with great companies” to ‘JSBOOTCAMP“.
- Webiste Name: Asus
change the fontsize of “Hot Deals” to 80px
- Webiste Name: Dell
Convert the text “G15 Gaming Laptop” from left to right
- Webiste Name: Vercel
change the heading “Start with the developer” to “Start with Scratch”
- Webiste Name: Sony
change the button text To current Date.
- Webiste Name: Philips
change the background colour blue to orange
- Webiste Name: Canon
extract the canon logo
- Webiste Name: Oppo
Change the description colour black to orange