We don't maintain this code base anymore. If you want to use Arquillian for testing your Openshift applications head to Arquillian Cube. That's where you find latest tools!
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This container requires user to have create a domain and application using rhc commands:
- rhc-create-domain
- rhc-create-app
This will establish a remote Git repository and provide user with credentials which are required in order to use the container.
Specify following configuration in arquillian.xml file:
- namespace - a namespace created by rhc-create-domain tool, e.g. bar
- application - an application name created by rhc-create-app tool, e.g. foo
- login - a Red Hat login (RHN with OpenShift access, e.g. bar@redhat.com
- sshUserName - an user name generated when an application is created by rhc-create-app tool, e.g. a7b1daad5c624157bdeea60b26cf8eba
Following configuration properties have sensible defaults, but can be modified:
- type - cartridge type, e.g. jbossas-7.0
- libraDomain - domain where OpenShift server instance is running, e.g. rhcloud.com
- deploymentTimeoutInSeconds - timeout in seconds to wait for a deployment to be finished
- discardHistory - activates discarding deploying/undeploying commits from Arquillian
Following configuration properties are optional
- passphrase - the passphrase to SSH identity key, can be set via SSH_PASSPHRASE environment variable
- identityFile - the path to SSH identity key (must be absolute), can be set via SSH_IDENTITYFILE environment variable
- disableStrictHostChecking - set it to true to disable StrictHostChecking policy
For jbossas-7.0 cartridge automatic deployment is disabled during execution of the tests. This means your application built from pom.xml is not available during testing. A workaround is to use a different application name and repository for testing.
Note: Requires Maven Surefire plugin 2.9 or higher, because of SUREFIRE-743