- AnalyticsWeb
Google Analytics 4 (GA4) and Adobe Analytics (AA) are the most used tools for a comprehensive and flexible approach to website and apps analytics. Amplitude Analytics and Mixpanel Product Analytics are two other tools that lets you answer questions, make better decisions and drive outcomes with product analytics. For any of the aforementioned tools, to do an implementation on our website, will need to follow these steps:
- Create an account or property in the corresponding tool account.
- Install the tool tracking code or instrumentation on our website.
- Verify the tool installation.
- Configure tool reports, analysis workspace, and dashboard settings.
- Start tracking our website traffic.
This is a playground of analytic implementation for a website using GTM and a GA4 web data stream, Tealium iQ and Adobe Analytics, Amplitude Analytics, and Mixpanel Product Analytics. The implementation allows to explore:
- a dataLayer array-objects managed through GTM and analyzing the data in a GA4 web data stream,
- a utag_data variable object and utag.link() data objects managed through Tealium iQ tag management and analyzing the data in Adobe Analytics.
- Amplitude data objects to analyze the data in Amplitude Analytics.
- Mixpanel data object to analyze data in Mixpanel Product Analytics.
- an initial setup of Adobe Launch rules to see response in the browser console (experimental implementation).
Before we start with the playground set up and back end, we should already have a GTM container linked to a Google Analytics 4 web data stream, a Tealium iQ account setup with AA tag, an Adobe Analytics account, an Amplitude Analytics account, and a Mixpanel Product Analytics account. Having them created and configured will facilitate the use of playground as a data source for the tools.
The implementation fires an initial dataLayer
object (GTM), utag_data
object variable (TiQ) and an enrichEventsPlugin
function (Amplitude), and a page view track for Mixapanel on each website page.
The dataLayer
array-object should be located inside the <head>...</head>
tag of the web page before the GTM snippet.
<!-- dataLayers message -->
<script type="text/javascript">
const userInit = localStorage.UUID ?? "guest";
window.dataLayer = window.dataLayer || [];
author_email: "asantiago@arsari.com",
content_group: "Implementation",
content_type: "Playground",
e_timestamp: String(new Date().getTime()), // milliseconds
language_code: "en-US",
page_author: "Arturo Santiago-Rivera",
page_category: "home",
page_name: "Web Analytics Implementation - Home Page",
page_title: document.querySelector("title").innerText,
// user properties
logged_in: false,
user_id: userInit,
<!-- END: dataLayers message -->
The utag_data
variable should be located inside the <body>...</body>
tag of the web page before the Tealium IQ snippet.
<!-- utag data object message -->
<script type="text/javascript">
const utag_data = {
author_email: "asantiago@arsari.com",
content_group: "Implementation",
content_type: "Playground",
e_timestamp: String(new Date().getTime()), // milliseconds
language_code: "en-US",
page_author: "Arturo Santiago-Rivera",
page_category: "home",
page_name: "Web Analytics Implementation - Home Page",
page_title: document.querySelector("title").innerText,
// user properties
custom_user_id: userInit,
logged_in: false,
user_id: userInit,
<!-- END: utag data object message -->
The Amplitude data object should be located inside the <head>...</head>
tag of the web page after the Amplitude snippet but before to their statement of initialization. The initial Amplitude data object, that include events properties applicable to all the events, is coded in an enrich plugin variable.
<!-- amplitude global properties and initialization -->
<script type="text/javascript">
const enrichEventsPlugin = () => ({
name: "enrichEventsPlugin",
execute: async (event) => {
event.event_properties = {
author_email: 'asantiago@arsari.com',
content_group: 'Implementation',
content_type: 'Playground',
env_viewed: tealiumEnv,
language_code: 'en-US',
page_author: 'Arturo Santiago-Rivera',
page_category: 'home',
page_name: 'Web Analytics Implementation - Home Page',
return event;
amplitude.add(enrichEventsPlugin()); // amplitude enrich plugin call
amplitude.init(<<AMPLITUDE_API_KEY>>, userInit); // amplitude init statement
<!-- END: amplitude global properties and initialization -->
The Mixpanel data object should be located inside the <head>...</head>
tag of the web page after the Mixpanel statement of initialization and after the user identify method. The initial Mixpanel data object, that include events properties applicable to all the events, is coded in an mixpanel.register()
method. User identification and suer properties are coded in mixpanel.identify()
method and mixpanel.people.set()
<!-- mixpanel initialization and global properties -->
<script type="text/javascript">
mixpanel.init(<<MIXPANEL_API_KEY>>); // mixpanel init statement
mixpanel.identify(userInit); // mixpanel user identify
mixpanel.people.set({ logged_in: false }); // mixpanel user properties
author_email: "asantiago@arsari.com",
content_group: "Implementation",
content_type: "Playground",
env_viewed: tealiumEnv,
language_code: "en-US",
page_author: "Arturo Santiago-Rivera",
page_category: "home",
page_name: "Web Analytics Implementation - Home Page",
page_title: document.querySelector("title").innerText,
e_timestamp: String(new Date().getTime()), // milliseconds
<!-- END: mixpanel initialization and global properties -->
The tagging implementation for events consider the followings user actions (ui interactions), system events (content tools), and errors based on an element click attribute [name="action"]
and a addEventListener()
method to fire the corresponding events:
User Action | Event Name | Type | Parameters/Event Properties | GA4 Scope | GA4 Custom Definitions |
Sign In | login | user interaction | method | Event | Predefined |
Outbound Link | outbound_link | user interaction | link_domain link_classes link_id link_url link_text outbound |
Event Event Event Event Event Event |
Predefined Predefined Predefined Predefined Predefined Predefined |
Internal Link | internal_link | user interaction | link_domain link_classes link_id link_url link_text |
Event Event Event Event Event |
Predefined Predefined Predefined Predefined Predefined |
Download | file_download | user interaction | file_name file_extension link_domain link_classes link_id link_text |
Event Event Event Event Event Event |
Predefined Predefined Predefined Predefined Predefined Predefined |
Video | video_start | user interaction | video_duration video_current_time video_percent video_status video_provider video_title video_url |
Event Event Event Event Event Event Event |
Metric (sec) Metric (sec) Dimension Dimension Predefined Predefined Predefined |
Video Playing | video_progress | content tool | video_duration video_current_time video_percent video_status video_provider video_title video_url |
Event Event Event Event Event Event Event |
Metric (sec) Metric (sec) Dimension Dimension Predefined Predefined Predefined |
Video Playing | video_complete | content tool | video_duration video_current_time video_percent video_status video_provider video_title video_url |
Event Event Event Event Event Event Event |
Metric (sec) Metric (sec) Dimension Dimension Predefined Predefined Predefined |
Video playing | video_stop | user interaction | video_duration video_current_time video_percent video_status video_provider video_title video_url |
Event Event Event Event Event Event Event |
Metric (sec) Metric (sec) Dimension Dimension Predefined Predefined Predefined |
generate_lead | user interaction | contact_method currency value |
Event Event Event |
Dimension Predefined Predefined |
Phone | generate_lead | user interaction | contact_method currency value |
Event Event Event |
Dimension Predefined Predefined |
Form | form_start | user interaction | form_destination form_id form_name |
Event Event Event |
Dimension Dimension Dimension |
* Submit Button | form_submit | user interaction | contact_method form_destination form_id form_name form_submit_text value user_profession |
Event Event Event Event Event Event Event |
Dimension Dimension Dimension Dimension Dimension Predefined Dimension |
* Close | form_modal_closed | user interaction | form_id form_name |
Event Event |
Dimension Dimension |
Form | form_error | content tool | error_message alert_impression |
Event Event |
Dimension Dimension |
Ecommerce Funnel | ecommerce_modal_opened | user interaction | |||
Ecommerce Funnel | view_item_list | content tool | ecommerce.item_list_id ecommerce.item_list_name ecommerce.items |
Event Event Event |
Predefined Predefined Predefined |
Ecommerce Funnel | select_item | user interaction | ecommerce.item_list_id ecommerce.item_list_name ecommerce.items |
Event Event Event |
Predefined Predefined Predefined |
Ecommerce Funnel | add_to_cart | user interaction | ecommerce.currency ecommerce.value ecommerce.items |
Event Event Event |
Predifined Predifined Predifined |
Ecommerce Funnel | view_cart | content tool | ecommerce.currency ecommerce.value ecommerce.items |
Event Event Event |
Predifined Predifined Predifined |
Ecommerce Funnel | remove_from_cart | user interaction | alert_message alert_impression ecommerce.currency ecommerce.value ecommerce.items |
Event Event Event Event Event |
Dimension Dimension Predifined Predifined Predifined |
Ecommerce Funnel | begin_checkout | user interaction | ecommerce.currency ecommerce.value ecommerce.coupon ecommerce.items |
Event Event Event Event |
Predifined Predifined Predifined Predifined |
Ecommerce Funnel | add_shipping_info | user interaction | ecommerce.currency ecommerce.value ecommerce.coupon ecommerce.shipping_tier ecommerce.items |
Event Event Event Event Event |
Predifined Predifined Predifined Predifined Predifined |
Ecommerce Funnel | add_payment_info | user interaction | ecommerce.currency ecommerce.value ecommerce.coupon ecommerce.payment_type ecommerce.items |
Event Event Event Event Event |
Predifined Predifined Predifined Predifined Predifined |
Ecommerce Funnel | purchase | user interaction | ecommerce.transaction_id ecommerce.currency ecommerce.value ecommerce.tax ecommerce.shipping ecommerce.coupon ecommerce.shipping_tier ecommerce.items |
Event Event Event Event Event Event Event Event |
Predifined Predifined Predifined Predifined Predifined Predifined Predifined Predifined |
Ecommerce Funnel | refund | user interaction | ecommerce.transaction_id ecommerce.currency ecommerce.value ecommerce.tax ecommerce.shipping ecommerce.coupon ecommerce.items |
Event Event Event Event Event Event Event |
Predifined Predifined Predifined Predifined Predifined Predifined Predifined |
Ecommerce Funnel | <ecommerce events>_error | content tool | error_message alert_impression step |
Event Event Event |
Dimension Dimension Dimension |
* Cancel | ecommerce_modal_closed | user interaction | |||
Search | search_modal_opened | user interaction | |||
* Magnified Glass | search | user interaction | search_term | Event | Predefined |
* Close | search_modal_closed | user interaction | |||
Search | search_error | content tool | error_message alert_impression |
Event Event |
Dimension Dimension |
Sign Out | logout | user interaction | Event | Dimension |
The following global parameters/event properties apply to most of the above events:
Global Parameters/Event Properties | GA4 Scope | GA4 Custom Definitions |
event_id (gtm config parameter) | Event | Dimension |
event_type | Event | Dimension |
button_text | Event | Dimension |
tag_name | Event | Dimension |
env_viewed (amplitude & mixpanel) | n/a | n/a |
step (ecommerce events only) | Event | Dimension |
section_heading (ecommerce events only) | Event | Dimension |
e_timestamp (milliseconds) | Event | Dimension |
custom_timestamp (ISO 8601) | Event | Dimension |
custom_user_id (user Property) | User | Dimension |
logged_in (user property) | User | Dimension |
user_id (user property) | User | Predefined |
On Amplitude Analytics, the event name is modified in the events list of the Amplitude dashboard as noun+verb capitalizing each word. The event properties naming is sneak_case.
The events dataLayer
array-object is based on Google Analytics 4 events recommendations and Google Tag Manager dataLayer. The utag.link
data object is based on the Tealium utag.link and Adobe Analytics objects. The Amplitude Analytics data object is based on the Amplitude source Browser SDK 2.0.
We classified the implementation of the dataLayer[]
array-object, utag.link()
data object, and amplitude.track()
and mixpanel.track()
data object into the following event groups:
The implemented general events dataLayer
array-object, utag.link
data object, and amplitude.track
data object is composed of:
window.dataLayer = window.dataLayer || [];
event: en || e.id,
// event parameters
e.tagName === "BUTTON" && e.innerText !== "" ? e.innerText : undefined,
contact_method: cm,
currency: cc,
event_type: /generate_lead|form_submit/.test(en)
? "conversion"
: "ui interaction",
file_extension: e.id === "download" ? "pdf" : undefined,
file_name: e.id === "download" ? "PDF_to_Download" : undefined,
form_destination: fd,
form_id: e.id.includes("form") ? e.id : undefined,
form_name: e.id.includes("form") ? "User Profession Survey" : undefined,
form_submit_text: e.id === "form" ? e.innerText : undefined,
link_domain: ld,
link_classes: lc,
link_id: /extlink|intlink|download|banner/.test(e.id) ? e.id : undefined,
link_url: lu,
link_text: /extlink|intlink|download|banner/.test(e.id)
? e.innerText
: undefined,
method: e.id === "login" ? "Google" : undefined,
outbound: ol,
search_term: st,
tag_name: e.tagName,
value: ev,
e.id.includes("video") && (vplay === true || vstop === true)
? vd
: undefined,
e.id.includes("video") && (vplay === true || vstop === true)
? vct
: undefined,
e.id.includes("video") && (vplay === true || vstop === true)
? vpct
: undefined,
e.id.includes("video") && (vplay === true || vstop === true)
? vs
: undefined,
e.id.includes("video") && (vplay === true || vstop === true)
? vp
: undefined,
e.id.includes("video") && (vplay === true || vstop === true)
? vt
: undefined,
e.id.includes("video") && (vplay === true || vstop === true)
? vu
: undefined,
e_timestamp: tstamp, // milliseconds
custom_timestamp: cstamp, // ISO 8601
// user properties
logged_in: logged,
user_id: ui,
user_profession: up,
tealium_event: en || e.id,
// event parameters
e.tagName === "BUTTON" && e.innerText !== "" ? e.innerText : undefined,
contact_method: cm,
currency: cc,
event_type: /generate_lead|form_submit/.test(en)
? "conversion"
: "ui interaction",
file_extension: e.id === "download" ? "pdf" : undefined,
file_name: e.id === "download" ? "PDF_to_Download" : undefined,
form_destination: fd,
form_id: e.id.includes("form") ? e.id : undefined,
form_name: e.id.includes("form") ? "User Profession Survey" : undefined,
form_submit_text: e.id === "form" ? e.innerText : undefined,
link_domain: ld,
link_classes: lc,
link_id: /extlink|intlink|download|banner/.test(e.id) ? e.id : undefined,
link_url: lu,
link_text: /extlink|intlink|download|banner/.test(e.id)
? e.innerText
: undefined,
method: e.id === "login" ? "Google" : undefined,
outbound: ol,
search_term: st,
tag_name: e.tagName,
value: ev,
e.id.includes("video") && (vplay === true || vstop === true)
? vd
: undefined,
e.id.includes("video") && (vplay === true || vstop === true)
? vct
: undefined,
e.id.includes("video") && (vplay === true || vstop === true)
? vpct
: undefined,
e.id.includes("video") && (vplay === true || vstop === true)
? vs
: undefined,
e.id.includes("video") && (vplay === true || vstop === true)
? vp
: undefined,
e.id.includes("video") && (vplay === true || vstop === true)
? vt
: undefined,
e.id.includes("video") && (vplay === true || vstop === true)
? vu
: undefined,
e_timestamp: tstamp, // milliseconds
custom_timestamp: cstamp, // ISO 8601
// user properties
custom_user_id: ui,
logged_in: logged,
user_id: ui,
user_profession: up,
event_type: en || e.id,
event_properties: {
button_text: bt,
contact_method: cm,
currency: cc,
event_type: /generate_lead|form_submit/i.test(en)
? "conversion"
: "ui interaction",
tag_name: e.tagName,
file_extension: e.id === "download" ? "pdf" : undefined,
file_name: e.id === "download" ? "PDF_to_Download" : undefined,
form_destination: fd,
form_id: e.id.includes("form") ? e.id : undefined,
form_name: e.id.includes("form") ? "User Profession Survey" : undefined,
form_submit_text: e.id === "form" ? fst : undefined,
link_domain: ld,
link_classes: lc,
link_id: /extlink|intlink|download|banner/i.test(e.id) ? e.id : undefined,
link_url: lu,
link_text: /extlink|intlink|download|banner/i.test(e.id) ? bt : undefined,
method: e.id === "login" ? "Google" : undefined,
outbound: ol,
search_term: st,
value: ev,
e.id.includes("video") && (vplay === true || vstop === true)
? vd
: undefined,
e.id.includes("video") && (vplay === true || vstop === true)
? vct
: undefined,
e.id.includes("video") && (vplay === true || vstop === true)
? vpct
: undefined,
e.id.includes("video") && (vplay === true || vstop === true)
? vs
: undefined,
e.id.includes("video") && (vplay === true || vstop === true)
? vp
: undefined,
e.id.includes("video") && (vplay === true || vstop === true)
? vt
: undefined,
e.id.includes("video") && (vplay === true || vstop === true)
? vu
: undefined,
e_timestamp: tstamp, // milliseconds
custom_timestamp: cstamp, // ISO 8601
user_properties: {
$set: {
custom_user_id: ui,
logged_in: logged,
user_profession: up,
custom_user_id: ui,
logged_in: logged,
user_profession: up,
mixpanel.track(en || e.id, {
button_text: bt,
contact_method: cm,
currency: cc,
event_type: /generate_lead|form_submit/i.test(en)
? "conversion"
: "ui interaction",
tag_name: e.tagName,
file_extension: e.id === "download" ? "pdf" : undefined,
file_name: e.id === "download" ? "PDF_to_Download" : undefined,
form_destination: fd,
form_id: e.id.includes("form") ? e.id : undefined,
form_name: e.id.includes("form") ? "User Profession Survey" : undefined,
form_submit_text: e.id === "form" ? fst : undefined,
link_domain: ld,
link_classes: lc,
link_id: /extlink|intlink|download|banner/i.test(e.id) ? e.id : undefined,
link_url: lu,
link_text: /extlink|intlink|download|banner/i.test(e.id) ? bt : undefined,
method: e.id === "login" ? "Google" : undefined,
outbound: ol,
search_term: st,
value: ev,
e.id.includes("video") && (vplay === true || vstop === true)
? vd
: undefined,
e.id.includes("video") && (vplay === true || vstop === true)
? vct
: undefined,
e.id.includes("video") && (vplay === true || vstop === true)
? vpct
: undefined,
e.id.includes("video") && (vplay === true || vstop === true)
? vs
: undefined,
e.id.includes("video") && (vplay === true || vstop === true)
? vp
: undefined,
e.id.includes("video") && (vplay === true || vstop === true)
? vt
: undefined,
e.id.includes("video") && (vplay === true || vstop === true)
? vu
: undefined,
e_timestamp: tstamp, // milliseconds
custom_timestamp: cstamp, // ISO 8601
We have set up the ecommerce funnel events in way that collect information about the shopping behavior of the users. The approach for this was based on the [Google Measure Ecommerce|https://developers.google.com/analytics/devguides/collection/ga4/ecommerce?client_type=gtm] guide in the Google Analytics 4 documentation.
The items array-object
The following is an example of a collection of items, items
array-object, that we are using in our implementation. The items array can include up to 200 elements.
const productList = [
item_name: "Stan and Friends Tee",
affiliation: "Merchandise Store",
item_brand: "MyCollection",
item_category: "Apparel",
item_category2: "Adult",
item_category3: "Shirts",
item_category4: "Crew",
item_category5: "Short sleeve",
item_list_id: "related_products",
item_list_name: "Related Products",
item_variant: "green",
location_id: "ChIJIQBpAG2ahYAR_6128GcTUEo",
price: 29.95,
item_name: "Friends Pants",
affiliation: "Merchandise Store",
item_brand: "MyCollection",
item_category: "Apparel",
item_category2: "Adult",
item_category3: "Pants",
item_category4: "Crew",
item_category5: "Regular Fit",
item_list_id: "related_products",
item_list_name: "Related Products",
item_variant: "blue",
location_id: "ChIJIQBpAG2ahYAR_6128GcTUEo",
price: 39.95,
item_name: "Canyonlands Full-Zip Hoodie",
affiliation: "Merchandise Store",
item_brand: "MyCollection",
item_category: "Apparel",
item_category2: "Adult",
item_category3: "Jackets",
item_category4: "Crew",
item_category5: "Long sleeve",
item_list_id: "related_products",
item_list_name: "Related Products",
item_variant: "black",
location_id: "ChIJIQBpAG2ahYAR_6128GcTUEo",
price: 99.0,
When the user complete the ecommerce funnel by placing a purchase and firing the purchase event with one or more items defined with the relevant fields, the items
array-object could look like this:
items: [
item_id: "SKU_12345",
item_name: "Canyonlands Full-Zip Hoodie",
affiliation: "Merchandise Store",
coupon: "SUMMER_FUN",
discount: 9.9,
index: 0,
item_brand: "MyCollection",
item_category: "Apparel",
item_category2: "Adult",
item_category3: "Jackets",
item_category4: "Crew",
item_category5: "Long sleeve",
item_list_id: "related_products",
item_list_name: "Related Products",
item_variant: "black",
location_id: "ChIJIQBpAG2ahYAR_6128GcTUEo",
price: 99.0,
quantity: 1,
Clear the ecommerce object
It's recommended that we use the following command to clear the ecommerce object prior to pushing an ecommerce event to the data layer. Clearing the object will prevent multiple ecommerce events on a page from affecting each other. The ecommerce object clearance only applies to the GA4 data layer and Tealium data layer.
window.dataLayer = window.dataLayer || [];
ecommerce: null,
}); // Clear the previous ecommerce object
ecommerce: null,
}); // Clear the previous ecommerce object
Ecommerce events
For most of the ecommerce funnel events the implemented dataLayer
array-object and utag.link
data object is composed of:
window.dataLayer = window.dataLayer || [];
event: en,
// event parameters
button_text: bt,
event_type: et,
tag_name: e.tagName,
step: step.at(-1),
en === "ecommerce_modal_closed" || en === "ecommerce_funnel_complete"
? undefined
: {
transaction_id: transactionID ?? undefined,
value: itemsValue === 0 ? undefined : itemsValue.tofixed(2),
tax: tax === 0 ? undefined : tax,
shipping: shipping === 0 ? undefined : shipping,
currency: itemsValue === 0 ? undefined : "USD",
coupon: userCoupon ?? undefined,
shipping_tier: userShipping ?? undefined,
payment_type: userCCBrand ?? undefined,
item_list_id: /productList/i.test(e.id)
? tempList[0].item_list_id
: undefined,
item_list_name: /productList/i.test(e.id)
? tempList[0].item_list_name
: undefined,
items: /productList/i.test(e.id) ? tempList : itemsSelected,
e_timestamp: tstamp, // milliseconds
custom_timestamp: cstamp, // ISO 8601
// user properties
logged_in: logged,
user_id: ui,
tealium_event: en,
// event parameters
button_text: bt,
event_type: et,
tag_name: e.tagName,
step: step.at(-1),
en === "ecommerce_modal_closed" || en === "ecommerce_funnel_complete"
? undefined
: {
transaction_id: transactionID ?? undefined,
value: itemsValue === 0 ? undefined : itemsValue.toFixed(2),
tax: tax === 0 ? undefined : tax,
shipping: shipping === 0 ? undefined : shipping,
currency: itemsValue === 0 ? undefined : "USD",
coupon: userCoupon ?? undefined,
shipping_tier: userShipping ?? undefined,
payment_type: userCCBrand ?? undefined,
item_list_id: /productList/i.test(e.id)
? tempList[0].item_list_id
: undefined,
item_list_name: /productList/i.test(e.id)
? tempList[0].item_list_name
: undefined,
items: /productList/i.test(e.id) ? tempList : itemsSelected,
e_timestamp: tstamp, // milliseconds
custom_timestamp: cstamp, // ISO 8601
// user properties
custom_user_id: ui,
logged_in: logged,
user_id: ui,
The Amplitude data object has similar composition in the object structure but the product item is send in a different way only when a purchase event or refund event occurs.
For the select item event the implemented dataLayer
array-object and utag.link
data object is composed of:
window.dataLayer = window.dataLayer || [];
ecommerce: null,
}); // Clear the previous ecommerce object
ecommerce: null,
}); // Clear the previous ecommerce object
window.dataLayer = window.dataLayer || [];
event: "select_item",
// event parameters
button_text: el.id,
section_heading: sh ?? undefined,
event_type: "ui interaction",
tag_name: el.tagName,
step: step.at(-1),
ecommerce: {
item_list_id: itemsList[i].item_list_id,
item_list_name: itemsList[i].item_list_name,
items: itemsList[i],
e_timestamp: tstamp, // milliseconds
custom_timestamp: cstamp, // ISO 8601
// user properties
logged_in: logged,
user_id: ui,
tealium_event: "select_item",
// event parameters
button_text: el.id,
section_heading: sh ?? undefined,
event_type: "ui interaction",
tag_name: el.tagName,
step: step.at(-1),
ecommerce: {
item_list_id: itemsList[i].item_list_id,
item_list_name: itemsList[i].item_list_name,
items: itemsList[i],
e_timestamp: tstamp, // milliseconds
custom_timestamp: cstamp, // ISO 8601
// user properties
custom_user_id: ui,
logged_in: logged,
user_id: ui,
For the remove from cart event the implemented dataLayer
array-object and utag.link
data object is composed of:
window.dataLayer = window.dataLayer || [];
ecommerce: null,
}); // Clear the previous ecommerce object
ecommerce: null,
}); // Clear the previous ecommerce object
window.dataLayer = window.dataLayer || [];
event: "remove_from_cart",
// event parameters
button_text: el.innerText,
event_type: "ui interaction",
tag_name: el.tagName,
step: step.at(-1),
alert_message: message,
alert_impression: true,
ecommerce: {
currency: "USD",
value: itemsSelected[ap].price,
items: itemsSelected[ap],
e_timestamp: tstamp, // milliseconds
custom_timestamp: cstamp, // ISO 8601
// user properties
logged_in: logged,
user_id: ui,
tealium_event: "remove_from_cart",
// event parameters
button_text: el.innerText,
event_type: "ui interaction",
tag_name: el.tagName,
step: step.at(-1),
alert_message: message,
alert_impression: true,
ecommerce: {
currency: "USD",
value: itemsSelected[ap].price,
items: itemsSelected[ap],
e_timestamp: tstamp, // milliseconds
custom_timestamp: cstamp, // ISO 8601
// user properties
custom_user_id: ui,
logged_in: logged,
user_id: ui,
The video events use the general events dataLayer
array-object and utag.link
data object excluding the video progress event which use a unique dataLayer
array-object and utag.link
data object.
Using setInterval()
function we implement the video progress event.
The implemented video progress event dataLayer
array-object and utag.link
data object is composed of:
window.dataLayer = window.dataLayer || [];
event: en,
event_type: "content tool",
video_duration: vd,
video_current_time: vct,
video_percent: vpct,
video_status: vs,
video_provider: vp,
video_title: vt,
video_url: vu,
e_timestamp: tstamp, // milliseconds
custom_timestamp: cstamp, // ISO 8601
// user properties
logged_in: logged,
user_id: ui,
tealium_event: en,
event_type: "content tool",
video_duration: vd,
video_current_time: vct,
video_percent: vpct,
video_status: vs,
video_provider: vp,
video_title: vt,
video_url: vu,
e_timestamp: tstamp, // milliseconds
custom_timestamp: cstamp, // ISO 8601
// user properties
custom_user_id: ui,
logged_in: logged,
user_id: ui,
The error events is a function that is called when errors occurs for Search event, Form event, Sing In event, and Sign Out event.
The implemented error events dataLayer
array-object and utag.link
data object is composed of:
window.dataLayer = window.dataLayer || [];
event: `${en}_error`,
event_type: "content tool",
button_text: bt,
section_heading: sh,
tag_name: e.tagName,
step: step.at(-1),
error_message: m,
alert_impression: true,
e_timestamp: tstamp, // milliseconds
custom_timestamp: cstamp, // ISO 8601
// user properties
logged_in: logged,
user_id: ui,
event: `${en}_error`,
event_type: "content tool",
button_text: bt,
section_heading: sh,
tag_name: e.tagName,
step: step.at(-1),
error_message: m,
alert_impression: true,
e_timestamp: tstamp, // milliseconds
custom_timestamp: cstamp, // ISO 8601
// user properties
custom_user_id: ui,
logged_in: logged,
user_id: ui,
The dataLayer
array-object for the four main event has been setup in GTM comprised in four individual tags:
The set up for each tag and triggers is as follows:
- Google Analytics 4
- Google Tag Manager dataLayer
- Tealium utag.link
- Adobe Analytics
- Amplitude Analytics
Copyright 2022-2024 | Arturo Santiago-Rivera | MIT License | Updated: September 24, 2024