##NEW project version https://github.com/cyberua/multiPopupJS
- http://jsfiddle.net/dyL78o6k/5/ - demo
- http://jsfiddle.net/dyL78o6k/6/ - animation change demo
- http://jsfiddle.net/dyL78o6k/7/- animation change demo
<link href="path_to/modal-default.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
<script src="path_to/modal.min.js"></script>
- Cross browser compatibility
- Without additional libraries
- Easy usage
- Css3 animation
- Easy settings animation
- Chrome +
- Firefox +
- Opera +
- Internet Explorer 9 +
var modal = new ModalJS({
window: win,// Link on HTMLElement
opt_closeButtonCls: "close-button",//Close button element class
opt_isOverlayClickHide: true,// if true when click on overlay, window will close
useAnimate: false// if false animation does not use (default true)
modal.show(); //show window
modal.hide(); // hide window
// Events: show, showed, hide
modal.on( "showed",function () { // bind on modal events
// this == modal
} ) ;
modal.off( "showed", /*opt_Handler*/ )//remove event handler
modal.setWindow( /*modal window HTMLEelement*/ );
modal.destroy( /*opt_removeWindow*/ )// destroyed all handlers and links on HTML elements, if opt_removeWindow = true, removed HTMLElemenet window.
modal.destroyWindow (/*opt_removeWindow*/);// removed all links on window element, if opt_removeWindow = true, removed HTMLElemenet window.
modal.setStartAnimationPosition = function() { // Set start position window before start animation, default at the top at the center outside screen
this.window.style.top = -this.window.clientHeight + "px"; //default value
// Set end position for window ( place in what window will move ), default screen center
modal.setEndAnimationPostition = function ( ) { //default function
var win = this.window,
top = ( window.innerHeight - win.offsetHeight ) / 2,
left = ( window.innerWidth - win.offsetWidth ) / 2;
win.style.top = top + "px";
win.style.left = left + "px";
##Animation change example
modal.setStartAnimationPosition = function() {
this.window.style.top = 0 + "px";
modal.setEndAnimationPostition = function ( ) {
var win = this.window,
top = window.innerHeight - win.offsetHeight ,
left = ( window.innerWidth - win.offsetWidth ) / 2 ;
win.style.top = top + "px";
win.style.left = left + "px";
##Animation change example
modal.on( "hide", function ( ) {
win.style.transform = "scale(0)";
} );
modal.on( "show", function ( ) {
win.style.transform = "scale(1)";
} );
transition: all .7s ease-in; /* changed "top" on "all" */
-o-transition: all .7s ease-in;
-moz-transition: all .7s ease-in;
-webkit-transition: all .7s ease-in;
modalJS is licensed under the MIT License (see LICENSE for details).