#Being a Developer, More Than a Job, It's a Lifestyle.
- Express - Web Framework for Node.js
- MongoDB - Non-Relational Database
- NodeJS - Runtime Environment
- Admin Bro - Admin Dashboard
- node
- npm
- mongodb
- mongo compass (optional)
- postman (optional)
git clone https://github.com/artemesian/devstyle-backend.git
cd devstyle-backend
You just have to run :
npm install
cp .env.example .env
Open .env file and modify with your configurations
MONGO_URI = "mongo_db_link_here";
PORT = "port_number";
CLOUDINARY_CLOUD_NAME = "cloudinary_cloud_name";
CLOUDINARY_API_KEY = "cloudinary_api_key";
CLOUDINARY_API_SECRET = "cloudinary_api_secret";
JWT_KEY = "jwt_key_link_here";
MAILCHIMP_API_KEY = "api_key";
MAILCHIMP_SERVER_PREFIX = "server_prefix";
MAILCHIMP_AUDIENCE_ID = "audience_id";
npm start
http://localhost:5000, either open the server in Postman
or directly in your web browser.
on route / , you should get this response :
"Welcome to the otherside🙂"
You can either proceed with Postman
or Admin bro
(recommended). If you continue with Postman
, don't forget to set the Authorization Bearer token.
Connect to the dashboard with an admin account at http://localhost:5000/admin
NB : First create some Size
(a size is needed to create any goodie item )
Just follow these steps :
- Create an issue with your fix/feature/improvement (Optionnal but recommended).
- Fork the project.
- Create a branch for your feature/update/fix(Make sure to have the latest master-branch updates).
- Create a Pull Request to develop branch.
- After a check, it will be merged to the project.
- Artemesian - Maintainer
- Mopi Gaetan