HyperLogLog is a probabilistic data structure used in the count-distinct problem, approximating the number of distinct elements in a multiset.
func (hll *HyperLogLog) Cardinality() float64 {
sum := 0.0
zeros := 0
for _, it := range hll.registers {
sum += 1.0 / float64(int(1)<<it)
if it == 0 {
harmonicAvg := float64(hll.m) / sum
E := hll.alphaM * float64(hll.m) * harmonicAvg // Raw estimate
// Computes corrected estimate
if E <= 2.5*float64(hll.m) { // Small range correction
if zeros != 0 {
return float64(hll.m) * math.Log(float64(hll.m)/float64(zeros))
} else {
return E
} else if E <= math.Pow(2, 32)/float64(30) { // Intermediate range, no correction
return E
} else { // E > 2^32/30, Large range correction
return -math.Pow(2, 32) * math.Log(1-E/math.Pow(2, 32))