Make it easier to write transactions for PostgreSQL using node-postgres.
The callback and event emitter styles both work.
Note: if you use a callback, then the error event won't be emitted. This is consistent with node-postgres.
To install the most recent release from npm, run:
npm install pg-transaction
begin([mode], [callback]);
query(); // This is pg.Client.query from node-postgres. There are various possible arguments look at its documentation
savepoint(savepoint, [callback]);
release(savepoint, [callback]);
rollback([savepoint], [callback]);
- error
* Module dependencies
// PostgreSQL modules
pg = require('pg')
, Transaction = require('pg-transaction')
// Configuration stuff
, connectionString = process.env['PG_CON'] || ''
var die = function(err){
if (err) throw err;
var client = new pg.Client(connectionString);
client.query("CREATE TEMP TABLE beatles(name varchar(10), height integer, birthday timestamptz)");
var tx = new Transaction(client);
tx.on('error', die);
tx.query("INSERT INTO beatles(name, height, birthday) values($1, $2, $3)", ['Ringo', 67, new Date(1945, 11, 2)]);
tx.query("INSERT INTO beatles(name, height, birthday) values($1, $2, $3)", ['John', 68, new Date(1944, 10, 13)]);
tx.rollback('savepoint1'); // all statements after savepoint1 are undone (John will not be inserted)
tx.release('savepoint1'); // can no longer use savepoint1 as a point to rollback to
client.query("SELECT COUNT(*) AS count FROM beatles", function(err, result){
if (err) return die(err);
console.log(result.rows[0].count); // 1