Software - Mobile App development
Problem Statement: SJ1 - Reduce the amount of push notifications require for e-commerce apps
Developer would have to build a solution using Artificial Intelligence or some other mechanism to reduce the amount of push notifications sent by e-commerce apps. Currently push notifications are generally sent based on a fixed schedule or some trigger in most apps. This creates multiple notifications every week and irritates the user. The intent should be to only send notifications when the users intent is there to purchase a particular product. Sending push notifications or emails without any user intent to buy that category of product creates frustration to the user. So only when user has intention to buy something the notifications or emails should. The developer has to use a technical method to find that intent using big data and then send notifications or emails according to that method.
Clone the github repositor or type the command git clone in the git bash.
- React Analysis Panel
Install dependencies: npm install
Serve with hot reload at localhost:3000: npm start
Create database PostgreSQL name=clustmpay username=robomx password=robomx
Celery Job Scheduler to fetch Firebase data
open terminal 1: celery -A configurations beat --loglevel=info
open terminal 2: celery -A configurations worker -l info -E
Django Web server virtualenv env -p python3 source env/bin/activate pip install-r requirements.txt python runserver
Android App open Android Studio Let it sync the gradle files Click on Run button after connecting emulator/mobile
- JDK 8
- Android SDK v24
- PostgreSQL
- Django v2.1.7
- ReactJS
- Celery v4.2.1
- Redis v3.2.0
- Python 3.6
- SciKit Learn v0.20.3
- Pandas v0.24.1
- NumPy v1.16.2
- Matplotlib v3.0.3
- Apache Cassandra v1.5.5
- Mexson Fernandes (Leader)
- Sourabh Choubey
- Arvinder Pal Singh Bali
- Priya
- Ansh Varun
- Ajay Thakur
- Himanshu Chauhan (Mentor)
# Backend
export GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS = BASE_DIR + "firebase_key.json"