[TODO\ complete rationale]
Currently, Caliper provides no vocabulary for describing performance expectations for a given AssignableDigitalResource or a way of linking a Result or a Score to the underlying evaluative criteria employed in the scoring process. We propose extending the Caliper vocabulary with a set of Rubric-related entities . . . .
[TODO\ other cases?]
- Link a Rubric to an AssignableDigitalResource, Result or a Score in order to simplify analysis of performance criteria.
- Track a learner who views a Rubric associated with an AssignableDigitalResource, Result or a Score.
- Track an Instructor who creates, edits or deletes a Rubric and or RubricItem and/or links a Rubric to an AssignableDigitalResource.
A Caliper Rubric represents . . . [TODO define ].
TBD. See also Rubric.
"Rubric": "caliper:Rubric"
A Caliper RubricItem represents . . . [TODO define ].
TBD. See also RubricItem.
"RubricItem": "caliper:RubricItem"
An optional Caliper Object property of type Rubric added to AssignableDigitalResource, Result and Score.
"rubric": {"@id": "caliper:rubric", "@type": "@id"}
*Proposed for Caliper 1.2
- Do we need a Rubric profile?
- Are Rubric-related entities also assignable?
- Is it sufficient to link an AssignableDigitalResource (e.g. AssessmentItem) to a Rubric or do we need to be able to link it to an individual RubricItem?
- What additional metadata (e.g. properties) do we need to add to Rubric](./rubric.md) and RubricItem?
- scoreBounds<?> (Criteria and point values)
- weighting?
- scoringType<string> (constant values: negative scoring, positive scoring)
- pointValue<int>
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