Bioinformatics analysis starts with installing the relevant softwares in your computer unless you use ‘containers’. In this tutorial, we will learn how to install bioinformatics softwares using ‘conda’ and perform a basic bioinformatics analysis such as BLAST search (Fig. 1).
Figure 1. How you start a bioinformatics analysis.
How do I find the installation command for a bioinformatics software?
How do I run a ‘conda environment’ that my colleague shared with me?
How do I extract the sequences of the blast hits in fasta format?
Simply put, Conda is a tool that quickly installs, updates, and manages softwares. During installation, it will also automatically install any other required softwares (called dependencies). Furthermore, it can create ‘environment’ called conda environment. Conda environment is a directory that compartmentalises the installed softwares, thus does not allow the installed softwares to interfere with any other softwares that are outside this environment and vice versa.
Run conda in the terminal. If you already have conda, you will see instructions on how to use conda. If you don’t have it installed, you get an error saying ‘conda command not found’
visit the anaconda archive to find the latest installer of Anaconda (
download using 'wget'
make the downloaded installer executable
chmod +x
run it
this will install Anaconda3 in the home directory
add conda to your PATH (How to add? See the commands at
- create a conda environment as follows
conda create -n bioinf
-n flag is to assign a name to the environment
- activate your conda environment
conda activate bioinf
check that your conda environment has been activated. Two ways to check:
run the following command and the currently activated environment is indicated by an asterisk
conda env list
the currently activated environment is also indicated on the left-hand side of your prompt name (i.e., user name)
now install the softwares in your environment as follows
conda install -c bioconda samtools
‘c’ stands for Chanell
conda will automatically install all dependent softwares for ‘samtools’ for example
conda install -c bioconda trimmomatic
conda install -c bioconda bedtools
conda install -c bioconda blast
Google conda install , you will find something like below:
Run bedtools in the terminal to see if ‘bedtools’ has successfully been installed
conda env export > environment.yml
Conda environment might be asked by the manuscript reviewers
conda env create -f my_environment.yml
The above command will create a conda environment using someone’s shared environment called my_environment.yml
Say you have a DNA sequence. For example, AtNRT1.1 (an Arabidopsis thaliana gene). You want to find out its matches in Rice (Oryza sativa) and extract the matched sequences.
How do you do that?
You can use the BLASTn tool. BLAST stands for Basic Local Alignment Search Tool. It will find the closest match of AtNRT1.1 gene in rice. Once the closest matches are identified, their sequences can be extracted from the rice genome.
Let’s run this task.
Step 1: Collect the sequences of the AtNRT1.1 gene and rice genome from the NCBI database.
AtNRT1.1 gene sequence in fasta format can be collected as follows (Fig. 2):
Figure 2. Downloading *AtNRT1.1* gene sequence from the NCBI database.
Rice genome sequence in fasta format can be collected as follows:
sudo wget
Step 2: Turn the rice genome sequence into a searchable blast database
Unzip the downloaded file:
gunzip Oryza_sativa.IRGSP-1.0.dna.toplevel.fa.gz
Make it executable by changing the file permission:
chmod +x Oryza_sativa.IRGSP-1.0.dna.toplevel.fa
Make the BLAST database:
makeblastdb -in Oryza_sativa.IRGSP-1.0.dna.toplevel.fa -out blastdb_rice -dbtype 'nucl' -hash_index
-in: input fasta file that will be turned into a blast database
-out: name of the newly generated database
-dbtype: type of the database is nucleotide (‘nucl’)
-hash_index: creates a hash table that is used to find sequence matches
Run the blastn command:
blastn -query AtNRT1.1.fasta -task blastn -db blastdb_rice -outfmt 6 -out blast_hits.tsv -evalue 1e-10 -num_threads 18
-query: query sequence i.e., the sequence that you are using to find matches in rice
-task: blastn, searching nucleotide against a nucleotide database
-db: database that you made earlier
-outfmt 6: it will produce the output in a tabular format
-out: output file name
-evalue: one of the blast hits parameters. Is the blast hit a by-chance match to your query sequence? evalue 1e-10 means that the chance is 1 in 10,000,000,000. Therefore, the lower the evalue is, the better it is
-num_threads: number of computer threads to be used.
Now, the blastn output file has 12 columns (Fig. 3).
Figure 3. Blastn_hits.
The column headers are as follows:
Column 1: qseqid, query sequence id. If you open you query file, you will find the id after ‘>’ sign
Column 2: sseqid, subject i.e., reference sequence id
Column 3: pident, percentage of identical matches
Column 4: length, alignment length
Column 5: mismatch, number of mismatches
Column 6: gapopen, number of gap openings
Column 7: qstart, start of alignment in query
Column 8: qend, end of alignment in query
Column 9: sstart, start of alignment in subject
Column 10: send, end of alignment in subject
Column 11: evalue, expect value
Column 12: bitscore, bit score
By default, you will get all 12 columns in your blast output file.
You can customise it by replacing the ‘-outfmt 6’ flag by the -outfmt "6 qseqid sseqid pident length mismatch gapopen qstart qend sstart send evalue bitscore"
The blast output file can be sorted in ascending or descending order using its column headers. For example, the following command will sort the blast hits in descending order using column 12 (the bitscore value). The higher the bitscore, the better it is.
sort -n -r -k 12 blast_hits.tsv > blast_hits_sorted.tsv
sort -n means sorting numerically
sort -r means reverse order
sort -k 12 means sorting on column 12
See the sorted version of the above blastn output file (Fig. 4).
Figure 4. Blastn hits sorted in descending order of the bitscores (Column 12).
Run the following commands step-by-step:
awk '{print $2,$9,$10,"Rice_"$1"_"NR}' blast_hits_sorted.tsv > blast_hits.bed
This command line prints column 2, 9 and 10. It also assigns a name to each hit. Finally, saves the print out in ‘bed’ format, suitable for ‘bedtools’
cat blast_hits.bed | awk -v OFS='\t' '{ if ($2 < $3) {print $1,$2,$3,$4} else {print $1,$3,$2,$4} }' > blast_hits_sorted.bed
This command line organises the chromosome positions from start to end
bedtools getfasta -fi Brara_Chiifu_V3.5.fa -bed blast_hits_sorted.bed –name > blast_hits_seqs.fa
This command line extracts the sequences for each blast hit in fasta format (Fig. 5).
Figure 5. Sequences extracted for each Blastn hits (fasta format).
Congratulations! You've just completed your first analysis in Bioinformatics. You've also learned how to install and manage your next set of softwares for your next analysis.